And the blowback continues...

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Seems to be the conclusion of market analysts. Aren't you a market analysts? How is it you didn't get that?

How do you know that these "market analyst" are right? Did they interview the buyers/sellers?

How is it you didn't get that?
How is it, that you are so stupid, and believe what "they" say?

So there.

How is it, that you believe the headlines, and everything, that you read?


Some are. I'm just observing the facts.

Is that like, "It is obvious....To be honest with you...The facts are...It is evident....Clearly........The facts are..."

Impressive, That clinches it.

Trump announces punishing tariffs, and the market tumbles. He backs off on the idea, and the market recovers. Market analysts conclude that Trump's behavior is the reason.
So, if(my emphasis) you are intellectually honest, by that argument, and not a biased hypocrite, you would assert:Trump is elected, announces his (fill in the blank with his policy), and the market, as measured by the Dow, "un plummets" 36.2% from his 11/8/16 election close to the 3/5/18 close. Market analysts conclude that Trump's behavior is the reason.


No, the "markets," historically, if you studied them, as I have, instead of reading, "buying" headlines, and so called "experts," "analysts," most of whom would not know the difference between a Certificate Of Deposit(CD), and a Compact Disc(CD)go up/down randomly, in a short period of time, regardless of alleged "day to day spin/reasons/explanations," based upon long term, underlying fundamentals, both here, in the USA, and internationally, and local political/economic decisions by the US, in a world economy, have much less impact, on markets, today, than they formerly did, decades ago, and the move(s), typically, has/have absolutely NADA to do with what the press/media report,spin.

My short sale on you is still in place. Dig?

The Barbarian

How do you know that these "market analyst" are right?

They are real analysts. And none of them seem to disagree on this point. Remember, a trade war is always bad for business, and the market responds to that kind of thing.

How is it, that you are so stupid

Well, you know how stupid barbarians are...

So there.

You silver-tongued devil, you.

How is it, that you believe the headlines

You can't believe everything you read. However, the consensus of people in a given business is more persuasive than someone who claims to be an analyst on an internet forum.

and everything, that you read?

"In God we trust. Everyone else has to have evidence."

Is that like, "It is obvious....To be honest with you...The facts are...It is evident....Clearly........The facts are..."

I'm not sure Trump knows the meaning of "obvious" (or "honest" for that matter) but you see what believing him leads one into, don't you?

So, if(my emphasis) you are intellectually honest, by that argument, and not a biased hypocrite, you would assert:Trump is elected, announces his (fill in the blank with his policy), and the market, as measured by the Dow, "un plummets" 36.2% from his 11/8/16 election close to the 3/5/18 close. Market analysts conclude that Trump's behavior is the reason.

If you're asking if the market's plummeted when Trump announced his lamebrained tariffs, and recovered when he walked the idea back, yep. That's what happened.

No, the "markets," historically, if you studied them, as I have, instead of reading, "buying" headlines, and so called "experts," "analysts," most of whom would not know the difference between a Certificate Of Deposit(CD), and a Compact Disc(CD)go up/down randomly, in a short period of time, regardless of alleged "day to day spin/reasons/explanations," based upon long term, underlying fundamentals, both here, in the USA, and internationally, and local political/economic decisions by the US, in a world economy, have much less impact, on markets, today, than they formerly did, decades ago, and the move(s), typically, has/have absolutely NADA to do with what the press/media report,spin.

Metaphorically, it appears you've confused climate with weather. The market does indeed react in the short-term to things like government intervention in markets. But it also reacts long-term to such meddling. The fluctuations you have confused with that, are chaotic, but are orderly and predictable, with a fractal structure.

Dow Jones Index time series exhibit irregular or fractal fluctuations on all time scales from days, months to years. The apparently irregular (nonlinear) fluctuations are selfsimilar as exhibited in inverse power law form for power spectra of temporal (spatial) fluctuations. Inverse power law form for power spectra of fractal fluctuations is generic to all spacially extended dynamical systems in nature and is identified as self-organized criticality. Selfsimilarity implies long-range space-time correlations or non-local connections. It is important to quantify the total pattern of fractal fluctuations for predictability studies, e.g., weather and climate prediction, stock market trends, etc. The author has developed a general systems theory for universal quantification of the observed self-organized criticality in dynamical systems. The model predictions are as follows. (1) The power spectra of fractal fluctuations follow the universal and unique inverse power law form of the statistical normal distribution. (2) The non-local connections or long-range correlations exhibited by the fractal fluctuations are signatures of quantum-like chaos in macroscopic spatially extended dynamical systems. (3) The apparently irregular geometry of the fractal fluctuations forms the component parts of a unified whole precise geometrical pattern of the logarithmic spiral with quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern for the internal structure. Conventional power spectral analyses will resolve the logarithmic spiral pattern as an eddy continuum with progressive increase in eddy phase angle. (4) The eddy continuum exhibit dominant periodicities which are functions of the golden mean (@ 1.618) and the numerical value T of the primary perturbation time period (days, months years). The numerical values of the first 13 dominant cycles for unit time scale (days, months or years) for the primary perturbation time period, i.e., T = 1, are 2.2, 3.6, 5.8, 9.5, 15.3, 24.8, 40.1, 64.9, 105.0, 170.0, 275.0, 445.0, 720.0 . These dominant periodicities are robust cycles inherent to dynamical systems and are independent of all other factors except the numerical value of the primary perturbation cycle time period T. Examples of persistent primary perturbation cycles in nature are, the daily cycle of solar heating of atmospheric flows, the day- to- day stock market trading cycle, etc . (5) Periodicities up to about 3.6 time scale units (days, months or years) contribute up to 50% of the total variance.
Continuous periodogram power spectral analyses of normalised daily, monthly and annual Dow Jones Index for the past 100-years show that the power spectra follow the universal inverse power law form of the statistical normal distribution in agreement with model prediction. The fractal fluctuations of Dow Jones Index therefore exhibit self-organized criticality which is a signature of quantum-like chaos on all time scales from days to years. All the data sets exhibit periodicities close to model predicted values of about 2.2, 3.6, etc., time units in days, months, years respectively for data sets of daily, monthly and annual values. Also 50% contribution to total variance is contributed by periodicities up to the model predicted value of about 3.6 time units in days, months, years. The apparently noisy, irregular fractal fluctuations of dynamical systems such as the Dow Jones Index in the present study, contribute to the formation of robust selfsimilar space-time geometrical structures which indicate the surprising resilience of market economy over a period of 100 years.

My short sale on you is still in place.

That is why you failed.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They are real analysts.
Real, you muse? In contrast to fake? And just how do you become a "real" analyst? Is there a degree, at a college to obtain it? Unpack it for us.
And none of them seem to disagree on this point.

of them, as you assert/pound the table?

And you came to that conclusion, by interviewing all these so called "real analysts," did you? Or you compiled all of their assessments, did you? Sure, you did. You just surfed the net for a few minutes, and, "Walla!!" Fess up...

Remember, a trade war is always bad for business, and the market responds to that kind of thing.

I will have to remember that, since you obviously looked at the empirical data, Dr. Bombay.

And never trust someone that peppers his argument with, "Always...Clearly....To be honest...," or the Chairman of the Fed., or who wears a bow tie.

You silver-tongued devil, you.
No, that would be your brother Judas, as he was bullish on silver. I shorted it, like you.

You can't believe everything you read.

We did not know that. Why do you, then?

However, the consensus of people in a given business is more persuasive than someone who claims to be an analyst on an internet forum.

The consensus on the direction of the market, since 1978, has been wrong. Look it up, Babbs.

I never claimed to be an internet analyst. That's your emotional assessment. I claim to know more than most people forget, about the markets. Accept it.

I'm not sure Trump knows the meaning of "obvious" (or "honest" for that matter) but you see what believing him leads one into, don't you?

You talk like Oprah-she talks like you. And I've never trusted any pol(e)i(tic)ian-they are all a bunch of con artists, deceitful, lazy cats, who confiscate our(my emphasis) money, via taxes, to support their "work half the year," average $250,000/year in salary, life style, coaching the tax service, in terms of "The Internal Revenue Service," although governments do not "earn" "revenue," and certainly do not "serve" the American people. It's a scam......All of them....every last one of them.

Pretty good speech, wouldn't you say?

If you're asking if the market's plummeted when Trump announced his lamebrained tariffs, and recovered when he walked the idea back, yep. That's what happened.

Many analysts attribute it to global warming/cooling.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
They are real analysts.

Real, you muse? In contrast to fake? And just how do you become a "real" analyst?

Probably not by asserting it on a message board. "I'm a real analyst; I had a radio program, once." :yawn:

I will have to remember that, since you obviously looked at the empirical data, Dr. Bombay.

Calm yourself. If you want to undermine the credibility of all those real analysts, who pointed out that the market fell as soon as trump announced his tariffs, and went back up as soon as he backed off, it would be smarter to explain why they all have it wrong, and you have it right. Calling names reinforces the perception that you don't know what you're talking about.

And never trust someone who constantly makes claims about his expertise while disagreeing with people who are actually knowledgeable in that area.

No, that would be your brother Judas

Being Christian, I think all humans are my neighbors. Would you like to learn how I know?

as he was bullish on silver.

He sold out for silver. And all you got was aluminum. Sounds to me like you got shorted.
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