Thanks for your offer to explain but I would prefer to be taught by someone who actually rightly divides The Word of Truth, not one who divides and divides and divides The word. I am just getting to grips with this MAD stuff and have read arguments both for and against and so far what I see is error but I'll keep going.
Anyone with merest grasp of doctrine knows the church began on the day of Pentecost. As for grace try Jn 1:17. We have grace even on the OT but I take it you are talking about the dispensation of grace, which you would no doubt say began with Paul. If that is so, how was Paul himself saved?
Acts 9:6 is a command given to Paul just after his conversion on the Damascus Rd and has absolutely nothing to do with The Body of Christ. 1Tim 1:15 - 16 is the apostle testifying of his conversion despite his unworthiness.
Pete ��
tel 'em rev ! -