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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've had my fill of Leftists. They whine too much for my taste. Trump won fair and square without the help of President Putin and the Russians. He's our new American President. Get used to it and stop your bellyaching and sniveling.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"Unforeseen situations"?

Such as? Did you actually think he was serious about charging Mexico to build the thing? You've been duped by the guy before he's even in office GM, and your naivety and willingness to justify his *turnaround* by willingly footing the bill out of your own pocket is just the kind of thing he'd have been counting on.

You're a "Brit" therefore, mind your own business. Do we GRIPE about your Queen?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There would have been something to be concerned about had Hillary taken control of this country of ours.

1) She would have continued in the footsteps of Obama.
2) She would have continued causing friction between
Russia and the U.S.A.
3) We just might have averted a war with Russia, had that
Jezebel Type" won the Presidency.
4) The same old, same old Politics, as usual.
5) It would have been another 8 years of Obama, basically.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:chuckle: I just couldn't get through all of your "Gobbledygook."

Well, that's a shame. I made this batch with extra chocolate least I think they were chocolate chips. We have had a bit of a mouse problem lately...let's go with chips anyway, just chew your way through with optimism. Make America bake again!

You're a "Brit" therefore, mind your own business.
They can't. But they've been scaling back for generations. Right now it's us and some island off the Argentine coast.

Do we GRIPE about your Queen?
I do. All the time. When it rains I raise a closed fist to the sky and yell, "Dad-blasted, Elizabeth, cut that out!" When the crops fail or job growth slows to a trickle I send another nasty letter to Buckingham Palace. I sometimes show up outside to ask for her birth certificate or call out loudly that I'm almost certain she's a German. That sort of thing. :plain: So it's my fault that AB is up in arms and on the prowl. Or, to put it in a way that will make much more sense to you, Obama. :)


So much for fiscal responsibility, lower taxes and smaller government.

How much are you willing to pay out in extra taxes for this Grosey?

Trump's claim that his wall woudl cost $10 billion is just funny. Even the $25 billion estimate form CNBC is a joke.

First the government has to have the land to build on. Huge swatches of land along the boarder is privately owned. This means huge payouts to landowners and you just know some will refuse meaning there will be court cases and hundreds of lawyers to pay. Of course the government could just seize the land from its owners. Meaning lawsuits.

Next all that land will have to be surveyed so construction crews know what they are supposed to be building on.

Concrete: NPR interviews several construction companies and they conservatively estimated that Trump's wall would take at minimum 2,500,000 cubic yards of concrete. Just the concrete would coast over 21 billion. Then we would need thousands of cement trucks and mixers to make and deliver the concrete to some very remote locations. That would double the cost.
Steele rebar and reinforcements. Estimated to cost only $5 billion. getting them to site another 1.5 billion.
The trucks and machinery to level and prepare the foundation maybe another $5 billion.

Of course there will have to be some intensive infrastructure investments to provide for the construction crews.

take what ever figure you can come up with and then add about 50% onto it because this is the government we are talking about.

And once the wall is done we will have to employ hundreds of workers to maintain the wall for years and years.

I don't know about you but I don't want this monster on my tax bill.

That's a very interesting post MrDante. One would think that if TOL Trump lemmings Grosnick Marowbe, patrick jane and ok doser put their minds together (together their IQ's equal around 10) that they could come up with some kind of rebuttal.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
town, on QEII (no, not the boat), whose family lineage includes Germanic roots:
... I sometimes show up outside to ask for her birth certificate or call out loudly that I'm almost certain she's a German.

that was actually clever :thumb:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I noted that a wall won't stop a terrorist any more than a lock stops a thief and:

searches for "lock stops a thief"

Bought it when it first came out. Some good stuff, but if I hear "We don't need no education!" ...wait, that's the new DeVos motto...and I've spoiled it.

That's an interesting word choice. I mean instead of going with the completely unsupportable "unforseeable". Unforseen as in the absence of clairvoyance?

The wall won't stop a single terrorist. Unless you're going to build another across the Canadian border too. In which case it still won't stop terrorists, but it might slow down the Canadians...which would be one measurable benefit.

That just sounds like politics as usual.

The "least of these"? Sweet. :)

For eight years the president and anyone rooting for him to succeed has heard his birth, religion, and character questioned and disparaged like it was a cottage industry and now the right has the reigns and they think it's time for public restraint?

gay image deleted[IMG][/QUOTE]

i don't see it there :idunno:

and i'l bet you lock your car door when you park downtown

even though a lock doesn't stop a ....

well, you know :idunno:


New member
Trump keeps his promises =

How was Mexico supposed to pay the bill for that wall, anyways? Mexico is around 500 million in debt, which is about 50% of the GDP, according to world debt clock. So, what, they going to borrow money from us to pay us with? Borrow it from somewhere in South America? Canada? Europe? Wait.... every place is in debt :freak: .

No one has the money to actually build this wall, except maybe the Chinese who already have their own wall that was useless, but it will get built and be a part of our ever increasing mind-blowing amount of impossible to pay back debt.

Gotta love big government, big spending, right wing liberals like Trump.
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I don't think anyone ever actually expected Mexico was going to foot the bill. Trump simply got a bit carried away with that part of it, there's still no justification for trying to make him out to be 'breaking a campaign promise'.
In fact, it just sounds desperate. Have some self respect, liberals. If you even care about such a thing, which is questionable after the past several years :rolleyes:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't think anyone ever actually expected Mexico was going to foot the bill. Trump simply got a bit carried away with that part of it, there's still no justification for trying to make him out to be 'breaking a campaign promise'.
In fact, it just sounds desperate. Have some self respect, liberals. If you even care about such a thing, which is questionable after the past several years :rolleyes:

I happen to agree with you. Of course, the wall won't be a "Stand alone" protection against undesirables. We'll still need armed guards stationed along the wall. I'm also certain there will be some form of electric fencing at the top of the wall. It definitely will make it more difficult to cross the border and some will not be willing to make the effort if they have all of those hoops to go through.


I happen to agree with you. Of course, the wall won't be a "Stand alone" protection against undesirables. We'll still need armed guards stationed along the wall. I'm also certain there will be some form of electric fencing at the top of the wall. It definitely will make it more difficult to cross the border and some will not be willing to make the effort if they have all of those hoops to go through.

There's an upward of 20 million illegal immigrants in the US, and they largely get in by jumping right over the sorry wall we currently have- it's not hard for a determined, able bodied person to do.

In other words, a fortress wall is only an illusion of security. They'll need a wall that is good at keeping people out, not deterring an invasion :chuckle:


For every 160 people in the UK, there is an illegal immigrant.
For every 16 Americans, there is an illegal immigrant.

There is no debate, you all fail libs :wave2:


For every 160 people in the UK, there is an illegal immigrant.
For every 16 Americans, there is an illegal immigrant.

There is no debate, you all fail libs :wave2:

Does that mean the US is 10X better, 10X worse or 10X closer to the boarder(pun/sic) of Mexico?
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