Too early to tell but it's a post on race by you so odds are...
So obviously, it's going to be stupid. Of course, of course. Because wrong-think obviously is solely because of stupidity, not for any other reason.
First and foremost I wasn't speaking to Trump with that, but noting a moral truth that needs to be advanced along with the recognition that violence should not be a part of political discourse in this country. That said, Trump's failure to do that coupled with his actual note was entirely an instrument of equivalency.
I will admit that I joined this party late.
But fine, let's stick to your original assertion:
There is no moral equivalence between peaceful nazis and peaceful protestors?
Upon what basis are you making this claim? I could supply you with any number of non-violent persons who hold to ideologies that are apparently consistent with, or otherwise endorse, violence.
The "punch a nazi" memes have been making their way on various social media, even by, I am sure, some people who have not themselves committed any acts of violence.
There are almost 2 billion muslims in the world, most of whom are not violence, even though their religion most certainly is not, pace George W. Bush, "a religion of peace."
Furthermore, Richard Spencer and the alt-right, so far as I'm aware, don't endorse violence at all. It is certainly true that the alt-right (who are not actually nazis) are in favor of a white ethnostate, but how is that qualitatively different from zionists who are in favor of a Jewish ethnostate (which actually exists, and which is actually violating international law and oppressing Palestinians, unlike the desired white ethnostate, which doesn't actually exist and oppresses nobody).
What precisely is it about these "most peace loving nazis" that somehow distinguishes them from other groups? Because they are "racist"? Ok. Then were you singing this tune when BLM activists on college campuses were demanding segregated dormitories? How about when identitarian leftists have been pushing a narrative that only white people can be racist? How about when a BLM activist refused to sell a white person a t-shirt solely because of the color of his skin? How about when an entire chapter of the BLM refused to allow white people to attend their meetings (though still encouraged them to donate money)?
White identitarianism is simply the logical conclusion of the left-wing identity politics and the demonization of and outright racism against white people that has become rampant in this country in the last few years.
Why do so-called Nazis deserve our distinctive moral outrage, but not the Black Panthers (which Dr. Cornell West, to his credit, opted not to join, due to his Christian beliefs)?
The simple fact is that, however much you may dislike the ideas of Richard Spencer, his ideas are much more peaceful than many of his identitarian leftist counter-parts. I don't remember you raising an objection when minorities demanded a safe space. Why do you now object when white people demand one?
All. That's why they use the black/red flag. It's not just a phenomenon in the United States. It's a phenomenon (and a real problem/scourge) in Europe as well.
But mostly it's a number of unaffiliated groups with a unifying disdain for fascism.
A counter-protestor was discharging a makeshift flamethrower at right-wing protestors at Charlottesville, and the media feigned outrage when a right-wing protestor dared to fire a warning shot at him.
Please, tell me about this "fascism" and why the alt-right (who neither generally are violent nor endorse violence), et al. deserves more disdain than the far-left extremists (who actually are violent) and their left-wing apologists (who endorse, or at least, defend the violence). :nono:
They aim to make a new, gentler mistake about human nature.
But you must be joking!
Because, apparently, wanton rioting, vandalism and arson are "gentler"!
What their cause isn't though is a call for dividing people by race and gender. The Nazis and a great deal of the Alt Right follow is precisely that.
Why on earth should that be the sole criterion? "Yes, I understand that these people are in favor of extrajudicial violence and political terrorism AND ACTUALLY COMMIT SUCH VIOLENCE, but THESE PEOPLE DON'T LIKE MINORITIES! They don't actually advocate violence against them, but they would much rather prefer to live without them than with them. So they are AUTOMATICALLY worse than the people calling for extrajudicial violence!"
Are you listening to yourself right now? :nono: