ECT "Along With Persecution": how the kingdom came in Acts 1-2


Well-known member
thats good marhig but Acts and Ephesians are more direct about the reign than that.

The whole Bible is written in the spirit and is full of deeper meanings. That's why Jesus says those who have ears to hear, hear. And those who have ears to hear, listen what the Spirit says to the churches.

Do you believe that Jesus comes on a natural cloud out of the sky?

Do you think heaven is the sky?


Well-known member
The whole Bible is written in the spirit and is full of deeper meanings. That's why Jesus says those who have ears to hear, hear. And those who have ears to hear, listen what the Spirit says to the churches.

Do you believe that Jesus comes on a natural cloud out of the sky?

Do you think heaven is the sky?

I have not resolved the cloud question. And now we are in the age and its cloud, lol.

But what I meant is that Acts 2 and Eph 1 are solidly unified and coherent in what they are saying: Christ is to be preached as the Lord of the universe now; he has been made Christ and Lord in the resurrection enthronement.


Well-known member
I have not resolved the cloud question. And now we are in the age and its cloud, lol.

The cloud one is a simple one, but it's not a natural cloud. And like the way it's used to describe storage on the net, Jesus uses it spiritually regarding his second coming, but it's not a natural cloud that he's talking about and he's not coming out of the sky either, heaven isn't in the sky. The Jews expected a Messiah that would come and war naturally, but Jesus Christ came with the sword of his mouth. Many Christians think that same, that he's coming naturally again to war but they aren't reading the Bible in the Spirit, Jesus didn't use natural warfare the first time, and he certainly isn't using it now, his weapons of a warfare are not carnal, but they are for pulling down of strongholds, Christ is warring with Satan by the sword of the spirit, which is in his mouth and which is in this in his church who are truly born of God. I see the Bible very differently from others, and what they are failing to realise is God is love. And you can see him in Christ Jesus because he was in his express image. Jesus isn't coming baring the arms of this world to war, he's coming in the power of the holy Spirit!

But what I meant is that Acts 2 and Eph 1 are solidly unified and coherent in what they are saying: Christ is to be preached as the Lord of the universe now; he has been made Christ and Lord in the resurrection enthronement.

I totally agree I've never said anything different. He has been made Christ and Lord, by God his father. God has highly exalted him as set him at his right hand, Christ is over everything and he is above everyone. But God is still the head of Christ. Jesus Christ is on his throne now. Not in the future, he says to those who overcome I will grant them to sit in my throne as I overcame and am set in my father's throne.

Revelation 3

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne

He then says

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

This is spiritual, it isn't a natural throne, Jesus Christ isn't of this world, his kingdom isn't of this world, and he's coming fighting against the powers of darkness not naturally with the kingdom's of this world or for a natural throne.

Herod thought like that the first time he came, and he set out to kill him when he was a baby, Jesus had no interest whatsoever in Herods earthly kingdom, why would people think that he will be interested now? He has been set over the kingdom of God, and the only way to God is through him!
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Well-known member
From above post:

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne

I think you meant to say Rev 3. Anyway, I hope our friend STP is listening because he does not believe that believers become a kingdom.


Well-known member
The word power is an administrative word.

As for the last verse of Lk 21 that you quoted, it wraps around many previous ones, not just the return in glory. It includes the details of the destruction of Jerusalem , of the time of all punishment written against Israel to be executed. The apostles (esp Paul who was transcribed by Luke) did not think the 2nd coming was very far after the DofJ. "These things" refers to ALL things mentioned in the declaration Christ made there.

Hi and the Greek POWER / DUNAMIS in Acts 1:8 was only given to Jews at Pentecost to be WITNESSES in Jerusalem Judea and in Extreme partsd of the earth !!

Under GRACE POWER / DYNAMITE which DUNAMIS means and in Rom 1:16 , this DYNAMITE means , it is God's power into SALVATION !!

You can not say that they are the same , MR !!

There is only one IP IP for today !!

dan p


Well-known member
From above post:

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne

I think you meant to say Rev 3. Anyway, I hope our friend STP is listening because he does not believe that believers become a kingdom.
Yes I meant Revelation 3, thanks for putting me right. I've changed it :)


Well-known member
Yes I meant Revelation 3, thanks for putting me right. I've changed it :)

Hi and just why do you all , place the B O C IN THE REV ?

There are 5 verbs in Rev 3:21 ,and the Greek verb WILL I GRANT is in the Greek FUTURE TENSE !!

Are you saying that the BODY will be in the Kingdom of Heaven and be Kings and PRIESTS as written in Ex 19:6 and also in Rev 1:6 ??

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and just why do you all , place the B O C IN THE REV ?

There are 5 verbs in Rev 3:21 ,and the Greek verb WILL I GRANT is in the Greek FUTURE TENSE !!

Are you saying that the BODY will be in the Kingdom of Heaven and be Kings and PRIESTS as written in Ex 19:6 and also in Rev 1:6 ??

dan p

Why do you think the Rev was future? He saw a vision about things that were to take place immediately.


Well-known member
Hi and just why do you all , place the B O C IN THE REV ?

There are 5 verbs in Rev 3:21 ,and the Greek verb WILL I GRANT is in the Greek FUTURE TENSE !!

Are you saying that the BODY will be in the Kingdom of Heaven and be Kings and PRIESTS as written in Ex 19:6 and also in Rev 1:6 ??

dan p
What? Where do you think they will be? And who do you think he's talking about?


Well-known member
What? Where do you think they will be? And who do you think he's talking about?

Hi and the B O C will not be in Revelation , as what happens there is all Israel !!

We at this time aremin the Dispensation of the MYSTERY as written in Rom 16:25 !!

In Rom 11:25 happens we as an EKKLESIA / ASSEMBLY we go to heaven , as written in 1 Thess 4:13-18 !!

Then Rom 11:26 will happen and Israel will be SAVED / SOZO / DELIVERED at Christ Second Coming as written in Matt 24:27-31 !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and the B O C will not be in Revelation , as what happens there is all Israel !!

We at this time aremin the Dispensation of the MYSTERY as written in Rom 16:25 !!

In Rom 11:25 happens we as an EKKLESIA / ASSEMBLY we go to heaven , as written in 1 Thess 4:13-18 !!

Then Rom 11:26 will happen and Israel will be SAVED / SOZO / DELIVERED at Christ Second Coming as written in Matt 24:27-31 !!

dan p

The true BOC is the true Israel, those born of God, walking in the Spirit, circumcised of the heart living by the will of God!

Do you believe in the trinity? I'm sure you do? And do you also believe that those who don't believe in the trinity won't be saved and are going to hell like many do here?

The reason I'm asking this is, how will those who are physical descendents of Israel be saved if they don't believe in Jesus Christ or the trinity?

Yet those who believe in Christ and love both God and Christ from their hearts, are condemned by many here to hell for not believing that Jesus is God? Even though it doesn't say anywhere in the bible that we have to believe this?

So how will it happen then? Seeing as many of the Jews not only don't believe in the trinity (which many here say is essential for salvation), but they also don't even believe in Jesus at all? One here calls him just a dead carpenters son? And those I've spoken to on here even go as far as trying to defend those who crucified him and saying they were right to do so?

So how is that going to work?


Well-known member
John said he was in the spirit on the day of the LORD.
Regardless of when you think that is, it was future to the time he wrote.
Revelation was prophecy, as he stated.


You need to open your mind to the nonliteralist paradigm.

When you don't take Scripture seriously it automatically takes on myriad possible interpretations, any one of which - or none of which! - may be correct. It FREES you from the narrow confines of "truth." And that's the beauty of it...nonliteralism allows a scholarly, sanctified unbelief, beaming with quiet pride and open scorn at pitiable, narrow-minded losers who actually believe - hah! - that this old book is actually THE Word of God.

He with the biggest stack of commentaries, wins.
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New member
You need to open your mind to the nonliteralist paradigm.

When you don't take Scripture seriously it automatically takes on myriad possible interpretations, any one of which - or none of which! - may be correct. It FREES you from the narrow confines of "truth." And that's the beauty of it...nonliteralism allows a scholarly, sanctified unbelief, beaming with quiet pride and open scorn at pitiable, narrow-minded losers who actually believe - hah! - that this old book is actually THE Word of God.

He with the biggest stack of commentaries, wins.

:chuckle: the irony...

Right Divider

Body part
This is where you are continually off by one epoch or timeframe. That's the end of the 'long reign' in Rev 21. All believers everywhere (the city of God) are oppressed but he slays them in a moment and then there is the NHNE.

Right where you suppose there is a battle for Jerusalem in the Rev, there is nothing.

And then your prophets say half the women are raped and 1/3 of all people perish. Oh, great.
That will be a sad day, when all of the believers get slain in a moment.