Alien Invasion


New member
For humanity to survive...We need a new home according to Stephen Hawking.

"Stephen Hawking has tackled the mysteries of the universe his entire life.
Now the world-renowned scientist has some new things to say about a potential alien invasion .
"If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans...
"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."
He also explained that the best chances for the survival of the human race is to find a new home on another planet.

"There's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy Earth," Prof Hawking explains.


The Popes astronomer has said that he would baptize aliens. Do you think aliens might exist? (I say absolutely not, but believe Satan can use the belief in aliens to deceive) And,If you believe aliens exist how does that affect the Gospel?
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New member
BTW... Interesting side note. The popes astronomer in that article suggests the Bethlehem star might be just a story that Matthew invented. Sad how the Catholic Church has such a history of being wrong on part by the low view of scripture expressed by that astronomer.


New member
We will have an "alien invasion" of Satan and 1/3 of the angels that fell with him.
I suppose that there would be enough of them to provide a "spirit-guide" for every
person left on the earth at that time.

patrick jane

BTW... Interesting side note. The popes astronomer in that article suggests the Bethlehem star might be just a story that Matthew invented. Sad how the Catholic Church has such a history of being wrong on part by the low view of scripture expressed by that astronomer.
This is a great documentary !!!



New member
Here is your coming "alien invasion":
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Revelation 12:9


BTW... Interesting side note. The popes astronomer in that article suggests the Bethlehem star might be just a story that Matthew invented. Sad how the Catholic Church has such a history of being wrong on part by the low view of scripture expressed by that astronomer.

the Catholic Church was not the only set of Christians "wrong on astronomy". I'm fairly certain that until Copernicus and Galileo just about all Christians were geocentric, based primarily on your beloved holy book. but it is easy to bash Catholics, or any other group you do not belong to, because it makes you feel superior.


New member
the Catholic Church was not the only set of Christians "wrong on astronomy". I'm fairly certain that until Copernicus and Galileo just about all Christians were geocentric, based primarily on your beloved holy book.
No Jonah... Their false beliefs were based on ignorance and secular opinions. A lesson to be learned is that Christians should not try to marry God's Word with non biblical ideas.

patrick jane

No Jonah... Their false beliefs were based on ignorance and secular opinions. A lesson to be learned is that Christians should not try to marry God's Word with non biblical ideas.
yes, in fact, the Bible refers to a spherical, circular earth.

Isaiah 40:22 KJV - Job 26:10 NIV - Proverbs 8:27 NIV -

Ecclesiastes 1:5 NIV -


No Jonah... Their false beliefs were based on ignorance and secular opinions. A lesson to be learned is that Christians should not try to marry God's Word with non biblical ideas.

Luther's beliefs were based on ignorance and secular opinions when it came to geocentrism?


New member

China displaced 8000 people from their homes in the search for aliens. Just today they*began operating world's largest radio telescope.*
For a pic and the article...
This is a whopping huge 500 meter 'dish', called FAST. A scientist involved say "in theory, if there is civilization in outer space, the radio signal it sends will be similar to the signal we can receive when a pulsar (spinning neutron star) is approaching us,"*

So lets look at this...they are willing to believe a pulsing signal signifies intellignt aliens. Yet, these same researchers seem unwilling to acknowlege we have already found evidence of intelligence. They admit in the article that there seem to be laws which govern the*development of the universe. Shouldn't laws be evidence of the Lawgiver? Why is design and fine tuning of the universe not evidence of intelligence, when a pulsing tone is evidence of intelligence?*

Intelligence has been found in just isn't 'little green men.' *Most secularist scientists are unwilling to leave their religion outside of the lab door; they are only willing to follow trails that lead to their pre-concieved conclusions


New member
Satan's angels' (the fallen angels) domain is the "second heaven" (abode of the stars/planets).
They will "arrive" on the planet earth, following the rapture, for the Tribulation, to deceive mankind.


New member
They will not beamyoup

UFO type phenomenon have been "probing" into this dimension (1st heaven/earth) for a very long time, but they have not fully materialized as yet because they are being "restrained" so-far, due to the presence of believers upon the earth.
We can clearly see from the Old Testament how, prior to Yeshua's return to heaven, angels were able to fully materialize, in "human form", and interact with mankind.