AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)


Well-known member
I really do not get it: you posted your prophecy of the tribulation beginning in 2022 and Jesus returning in 2029. Then I quoted that post and said what I did, to which you replied that I have assumed too much, (directly above herein). But then after that you essentially repeated the same prophecy all over again:

I do not see where I assumed anything: you repeated your same prophecy all over again. :kookoo:

By George I think I've got it!
2022 and 2029 must be secret gematria numerical Torah codes for something else!
Silly me! Please, please, O prophet, do tell! My ears are itching to hear something new! :)


Well-known member
I really do not get it: you posted your prophecy of the tribulation beginning in 2022 and Jesus returning in 2029. Then I quoted that post and said what I did, to which you replied that I have assumed too much, (directly above herein). But then after that you essentially repeated the same prophecy all over again:

I do not see where I assumed anything: you repeated your same prophecy all over again. :kookoo:

You did not understand what I said. I am saying rather than assume I am wrong, you could ask questions first to find out why I am saying the Tribulation will start in 2022. I only pointed this out because you have a habit of jumping to conclusions without debating and reasoning things through.


Well-known member
You did not understand what I said. I am saying rather than assume I am wrong, you could ask questions first to find out why I am saying the Tribulation will start in 2022. I only pointed this out because you have a habit of jumping to conclusions without debating and reasoning things through.

Lol, the only reason not to empty both mags right now is because it would be too disruptive to the thread, (and I like PJ). :)


Well-known member

Luke validates the Septuagint chronology by listing Cainan(2), son of Arphaxad, (Luke 3:36), whose name is only found written in the Septuagint chronological line of Shem, (Gen 11:12 LXX). The Son of Adam, ("the second man" whom Paul says is from the heavens), thus descended from the heavens in the sixth great day: just as Moses prophesied in Gen 1:26-28 and the Psalmist confirms in Psalm 8:4,5,6,7,8 by the companion context therein. Your "God's 7000 year plan" is thus off by two great days, or perhaps I should say, two thousand years. As for your "God's Calendar" it appears to belong right where it is: together with your "God's 7000 year plan". :chuckle:

Moreover, even if your prophecy did come true, (don't hold your breath, oh yeah, wait, you wouldn't anyways because it is still 11 YEARS AWAY and no one will remember or care to remember this day so as to throw it in your face when your prophecy fails, lol, silly me), it would not be the beginning of the seventh great day but somewhere roundabout the ninth! :rotfl:

Back to thread topic:

Don't they say that nine is the number of the Devil or Lucifer or something like that?

HAL 9000 is AI? :idunno: :chuckle:
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Well-known member


I'm sorry Zeke, I'm afraid and can't do that...
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Well-known member

Luke validates the Septuagint chronology by listing Cainan(2), son of Arphaxad, (Luke 3:36), whose name is only found written in the Septuagint chronological line of Shem, (Gen 11:12 LXX). The Son of Adam, ("the second man" whom Paul says is from the heavens), thus descended from the heavens in the sixth great day: just as Moses prophesied in Gen 1:26-28 and the Psalmist confirms in Psalm 8:4,5,6,7,8 by the companion context therein. Your "God's 7000 year plan" is thus off by two great days, or perhaps I should say, two thousand years. As for your "God's Calendar" it appears to belong right where it is: together with your "God's 7000 year plan". :chuckle:

Moreover, even if your prophecy did come true, (don't hold your breath, oh yeah, wait, you wouldn't anyways because it is still 11 YEARS AWAY and no one will remember or care to remember this day so as to throw it in your face when your prophecy fails, lol, silly me), it would not be the beginning of the seventh great day but somewhere roundabout the ninth! :rotfl:

Back to thread topic:

Don't they say that nine is the number of the Devil or Lucifer or something like that?

HAL 9000 is AI? :idunno: :chuckle:

O say, can you "see", O prophet?
Arthur C. Clarke, Stanley Kubrick, and the Illuminati all follow the Septuagint chronology:
2001: Space Odyssey :chuckle:


Well-known member
Luke validates the Septuagint chronology by listing Cainan(2), son of Arphaxad, (Luke 3:36), whose name is only found written in the Septuagint chronological line of Shem, (Gen 11:12 LXX). The Son of Adam, ("the second man" whom Paul says is from the heavens), thus descended from the heavens in the sixth great day: just as Moses prophesied in Gen 1:26-28 and the Psalmist confirms in Psalm 8:4,5,6,7,8 by the companion context therein. Your "God's 7000 year plan" is thus off by two great days, or perhaps I should say, two thousand years. As for your "God's Calendar" it appears to belong right where it is: together with your "God's 7000 year plan". :chuckle:

Moreover, even if your prophecy did come true, (don't hold your breath, oh yeah, wait, you wouldn't anyways because it is still 11 YEARS AWAY and no one will remember or care to remember this day so as to throw it in your face when your prophecy fails, lol, silly me), it would not be the beginning of the seventh great day but somewhere roundabout the ninth! :rotfl:

Back to thread topic:

Don't they say that nine is the number of the Devil or Lucifer or something like that?

HAL 9000 is AI? :idunno: :chuckle:

Similarly the book of Adam states that the age will last 5,500 years (5.5 great days).

We'll know before 2029 if I'm (we) are right because the tribulation should begin in 2022.


Well-known member
Similarly the book of Adam states that the age will last 5,500 years (5.5 great days).

We'll know before 2029 if I'm (we) are right because the tribulation should begin in 2022.

The Septuagint chronology already provides about six thousand years until the advent of Messiah. It's all there, just read it: Messiah came in the sixth great day, just as foretold in Moses and the Prophets. The seventh day has no evening or morning; and one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day with the LORD. Therefore in the seventh day the Master rested; for when the seventh trumpet blows, time is no more. Perhaps a better knowledge of the Gospel accounts in relationship to the sayings of the Apocalypse would provide you with more light, (particularly concerning the crucifixion accounts), for the Spirit of the prophecy is the Testimony of Messiah.


Well-known member
The Septuagint chronology already provides about six thousand years until the advent of Messiah. It's all there, just read it: Messiah came in the sixth great day, just as foretold in Moses and the Prophets. The seventh day has no evening or morning; and one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day with the LORD. Therefore in the seventh day the Master rested; for when the seventh trumpet blows, time is no more. Perhaps a better knowledge of the Gospel accounts in relationship to the sayings of the Apocalypse would provide you with more light, (particularly concerning the crucifixion accounts), for the Spirit of the prophecy is the Testimony of Messiah.

The Septuagint chronology is wrong, the Masoretic chronology is correct. The Septuagint chronology has a number of well known and obvious mistakes, you obviously don't know about them though. For instance the LXX has an obvious error of Methuselah living for 14 years after the flood!:

The Earth is 5988 years old:



Well-known member
The Septuagint chronology is wrong, the Masoretic chronology is correct. The Septuagint chronology has a number of well known and obvious mistakes, you obviously don't know about them though. For instance the LXX has an obvious error of Methuselah living for 14 years after the flood!

Yes, I have been through those things long before your arrival on the scene, O prophet, and yes, Methuselah survives the flood because there are four generations to a man if you believe the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts. However you have already been shown not to actually believe any of those writings except for if and when they agree with *you* first and foremost. "Me first" really is a terrible way to go about learning anything from the Father and His Word: the only thing you will end up learning in the end is that you were not a son of the One you thought during all those years you served yourself.

PS ~ That is why it is written that Noah was a tzaddik being tamim-complete in his generations, (he walked well pleasing with the Elohim, just as Enoch). Moreover I only entertain this here with you after having watched part of the OP video and seeing that the author is following the Masorete text chronology: however that chronology still contains about six thousand years to Meshiah because one may commence the count from the fourth day of creation where time commences: two possibly "great days" of creation and then the chronology of four thousand years, (four great days), beginning with Gen 5. It all depends on how one views the various texts but the fourth day greater and lesser lights are clearly stated to be for times and seasons and days and years, (the commencement of time in the fourth day or the end thereof). Thus I can "see" six great days until the advent of Meshiah from either text, (and neither do I leave out the Ten Weeks of Enoch in my understanding, lol). :chuckle:
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Well-known member
Yes, I have been through those things long before your arrival on the scene, O prophet, and yes, Methuselah survives the flood
No he did not, do not be so foolish. There are no accounts of him surviving, only that 8 survived:

1 Peter 3:20
to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,

Genesis 8:18
So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons' wives.

because there are four generations to a man if you believe the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts. However you have already been shown not to actually believe any of those writings except for if and when they agree with *you* first and foremost. "Me first" really is a terrible way to go about learning anything from the Father and His Word: the only thing you will end up learning in the end is that you were not a son of the One you thought during all those years you served yourself.

I see so if someone disagrees with your theology they're going to hell - and you think you're rational and have a correct theology about that idea too.

PS ~ That is why it is written that Noah was a tzaddik being tamim-complete in his generations, (he walked well pleasing with the Elohim, just as Enoch). Moreover I only entertain this here with you after having watched part of the OP video and seeing that the author is following the Masorete text chronology: however that chronology still contains about six thousand years to Meshiah because one may commence the count from the fourth day of creation where time commences: two possibly "great days" of creation and then the chronology of four thousand years, (four great days), beginning with Gen 5. It all depends on how one views the various texts but the fourth day greater and lesser lights are clearly stated to be for times and seasons and days and years, (the commencement of time in the fourth day or the end thereof). Thus I can "see" six great days until the advent of Meshiah from either text, (and neither do I leave out the "ten weeks" of Enoch in my understanding, lol). :chuckle:

That is some real twisting of scripture! Time began in the BEGINNING!! Gen 1:1