Ae they saved?


Why so many "saved" Christians are so concerned of others salvation?

We should be working on our own salvation instead of slandering or mocking others whom we don't agree with.

I know most Christians claim they are saved but I continually say that is boastful claim because Jesus is the one who decides who will be saved or not. Jesus says to be faithful to Him until the end. It is not time for judgment because it is not end yet, obviously.

We need to know Jesus does not approved of prideful attitude.

It is sure that if we are prideful or boaster, we will not inherit God's kingdom for sure.

God is merciful, if we strive to be true to Jesus until the end we will be saved. Jesus' followers have hope of being saved.

We will be perfected if we strive to be faithful to Jesus.

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God's Truth

New member
Why so many "saved" Christians are so concerned of others salvation?

We should be working on our own salvation instead of slandering or mocking others whom we don't agree with.

Why are you here if you are not concerned about other people's salvation?

You are so confused, you do not even know if you are saved!