Adam Schiff: Mueller Could be Fired


There's no doubt that Trump expects from the FBI, the same sort of personal loyalty to him that Putin expects from the KGB.


Reminds me of the old days and the East German DDR, more communist that Russian Communism. As bad as Western democracy is, it still has a heck of a lot of good things going for it: Freedom of speech for one; Accountability for another.

I submit that this is one area where Trump is going BADLY wrong. He has alienated the 'fake news' people and also his own intelligence agencies. It would be seriously bad news if it were not for his antics which...

patrick jane


The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
This explains why Trump was so put out when he was told that he couldn't just have Hillary Clinton jailed.

Where did you get that bit of information?

11 times Trump threatened Clinton with prison
Pres. Trump has learned that the promises he made as a candidate to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton might be difficult.

But Trump isn't president of Venezuela. And the "deep state" (separation of powers) means that he can't just toss his opponents in jail.

Apparently, he had no idea, until someone explained it to him.

And what makes you think that she isn't going to jail?

For one thing, the republicans spent months of hearings and millions of our tax dollars trying to find something, anything on her. And failed. It was funny watching Gowdy dancing around the fact when the report was released. Reporters kept trying to get him to sum it all up, and he refused to do so.

So unless something else shows up, she's pretty much safe.


New member
The bottom line is, if Nunes had found something illegal or inappropriate, he would have taken it to the FISA court. He is trying this in the court of public opinion because that's the only venue where he will be heard.



Carter Page has been subject to a FBI investigation and FISA warrants since 2014 when the Russians attempted to recruit him and 2 years before "The Donald" declared he was a presidential candidate and Carter joined his campaign as a foreign advisor!

The Steele Dossier, to which the Nunes Memo so strenuously objects, was written in 2016, so it didn't even exist when the first DISA for Carter Page were issued!

Like General Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort, Carter Page was already "damaged goods" before he joined the Trump Campaign and all three reflect the lack of vetting that should have been in place!
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The Barbarian

I can scarcely "scan" a few words of your posts, the reason being, you're so warped with brainwashing and delusion, you cannot see the "forest for the trees." Your hatred for Trump and those who voted for him is so intense, you have lost all of your "common sense and reasoning powers." [/I]

Actually, I was quoting someone else. Maybe you should read more carefully?


I can scarcely "scan" a few words of your posts, the reason being, you're so warped with brainwashing and delusion, you cannot see the "forest for the trees." Your hatred for Trump and those who voted for him is so intense, you have lost all of your "common sense and reasoning powers." Sadly, you're not alone. a huge portion of our citizenry is in the same position, as yourself. You continually spew "propaganda" devised by CNN and their ilk. They've been remarkably successful in "propagandizing the far-left agenda." Combined with the entirety of the media, Hollywood, the music industry, and the obstructionist Democrats/Republicans, they have amassed a massive "cabal" of anti-Trump sentiment throughout our country.

Make no mistake about it, this is a "new-age cult-like religion" that has been established. Its followers are mere "lemmings" who do the bidding of their "leaders." In the Communist arena, these kinds of people are referred to as; "Useful Idiots."


Having a short attention span and the inability to read pages of print appears to a common trait amongst conservatives - starting with the President!

Perhaps "The Barbarian" should limiting himself to one syllable words and providing lots of coloured pictures when communicating with conservatives!


Rosenstein is an Obama holdover, so I certainly won't rule him out. And Wray got a surprisingly high vote from the Dems which should cause some suspicion. Sessions counts for nothing at this point. He wussed out from the get go, but I wouldn't count him as Deep State. He's been a Senator for most of his time in DC.

DEEP STATE means they're buried deep in the different departments. Hopefully, they will be exposed bit by bit. Trump came in not knowing who could be trusted, but we're sure finding out, aren't we?

Welcome back Joe McCarthy


There appears to be a small portion of far-left zealots on TOL. One would think, on a Christian Forum that the "far-left individuals" would be less "Rabid" than the ones outside of such a forum? However, the ones here, are just as angry, disturbed, unhinged, and conniving as their counterparts. I suppose when it comes to politics, the true-self becomes readily definable.

Look in the mirror, bud.

Back on topic. If Trump fires Muellar is Presidency is over, Sure, he will still be in the White house throwing his toys out of the cot. Least until he get another padded room.

All Trump has is bluff, evasion, deflection and throwing a lot of brown stuff at the wall hoping some of it will stick.

No wonder some little despot in a hermit kingdom is having a party.