Right Divider

Body part
Greetings again Right Divider, I was disappointed that you did not comment in detail on Genesis 15:6 and Habakkuk 2:4. Taking the second of these, it may be well known that Habakkuk 2:4 is directly quoted in Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38 and is thus applied to Jew and Gentile. Another interesting but at first less obvious application of this is found in Acts 13, the speech that Paul made to the Jews and Gentiles at Antioch.
Acts 13:38–41 (KJV): 38 Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. 40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets; 41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.
The above takes us right back into the context of Habakkuk, and Paul shows that both Jews and Gentiles need to seek to be justified by faith.

Kind regards
Justification always comes by faith, but the faith is different based on what God reveals at the time.

Rom 1:17 KJV For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

That you just try to mash the messages is your our personal problem.


Well-known member
Greetings again Right Divider,
Justification always comes by faith, but the faith is different based on what God reveals at the time.
Rom 1:17 KJV For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
That you just try to mash the messages is your our personal problem.
I appreciate your response. This is the first time I have heard anyone apply “from faith to faith” in that way, as if Abraham had a different faith to the Jewish and Gentile believers at Rome. To be honest with you I am not altogether certain of the full range of meaning of this expression, but as Paul introduced the Gospel of God concerning His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ in Romans 1:1-4, and here in Romans 1:16-17 he speaks of the Gospel being the power of God unto salvation, and he quotes Habakkuk 2:4, and alludes to Genesis 15:6, which he expounds in Romans 4, then I suspect that the faith that Abraham believed and the faith that Habakkuk was speaking about to his contemporaries, and Paul applies in Acts 13 before the Jews and Gentiles is one and the same faith. My tentative understanding of “from faith to faith” is that it is speaking of a development of faith within the individual, out of initial faith, unto a developed, mature, substantial faith. At least I do not accept that it represents two different faiths, but the One Faith from the Garden of Eden until now, centred in our Lord Jesus Christ concerning the forgiveness and salvation available through him by means of faith in his crucifixion, death and resurrection and the hope of resurrection and participation in His Kingdom at his return, the Gospel of the Kingdom and Name Acts 8:5-6,12 and Acts 28:30-31.

Kind regards

Right Divider

Body part
Greetings again Right Divider, I appreciate your response. This is the first time I have heard anyone apply “from faith to faith” in that way, as if Abraham had a different faith to the Jewish and Gentile believers at Rome. To be honest with you I am not altogether certain of the full range of meaning of this expression, but as Paul introduced the Gospel of God concerning His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ in Romans 1:1-4, and here in Romans 1:16-17 he speaks of the Gospel being the power of God unto salvation, and he quotes Habakkuk 2:4, and alludes to Genesis 15:6, which he expounds in Romans 4, then I suspect that the faith that Abraham believed and the faith that Habakkuk was speaking about to his contemporaries, and Paul applies in Acts 13 before the Jews and Gentiles is one and the same faith. My tentative understanding of “from faith to faith” is that it is speaking of a development of faith within the individual, out of initial faith, unto a developed, mature, substantial faith. At least I do not accept that it represents two different faiths, but the One Faith from the Garden of Eden until now, centred in our Lord Jesus Christ concerning the forgiveness and salvation available through him by means of faith in his crucifixion, death and resurrection and the hope of resurrection and participation in His Kingdom at his return, the Gospel of the Kingdom and Name Acts 8:5-6,12 and Acts 28:30-31.

Kind regards
That's some wild conjecture there.

Why do you believe that God separated Israel in the first place?


Well-known member
Greetings again Right Divider,
That's some wild conjecture there.
Until I find a better view then I will continue to hold this tentative view.
Why do you believe that God separated Israel in the first place?
The answer to this is far-reaching and detailed, but you seem to be hinting at a different perspective, and I will have to patiently wait for you to elaborate. Btw you have not commented properly on Habakkuk 2:4 and Genesis 15:6.

Kind regards

Right Divider

Body part
Greetings again Right Divider, Until I find a better view then I will continue to hold this tentative view.
The answer to this is far-reaching and detailed, but you seem to be hinting at a different perspective, and I will have to patiently wait for you to elaborate. Btw you have not commented properly on Habakkuk 2:4 and Genesis 15:6.

Kind regards
I already commented on that.... and you commented on my comment.

God gives different instructions (and requirements) to different people at different times. That is clear and plain throughout the Bible.


Well-known member
Greetings again Right Divider,
I already commented on that.... and you commented on my comment.
God gives different instructions (and requirements) to different people at different times. That is clear and plain throughout the Bible.
Yes, there has been different instructions and requirements but one One Gospel from the Garden of Eden until now, and thus one method of salvation through justification by faith in this One Gospel Genesis 15:6, Habakkuk 2:4.
Galatians 3:5-8 (KJV): 5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. 7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. 8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

Kind regards

Right Divider

Body part
Greetings again Right Divider, Yes, there has been different instructions and requirements but one One Gospel from the Garden of Eden until now, and thus one method of salvation through justification by faith in this One Gospel Genesis 15:6, Habakkuk 2:4.
Galatians 3:5-8 (KJV): 5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. 7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. 8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.

Kind regards
There are many gospels PLAINLY shown in the Bible. You just want to blend them all into a muddled smoothie.

There are also different types of salvation are confused as well.

The early chapters of Acts clearly show the twelve apostles for the twelves tribes still preaching to the twelve tribes. Paul is that other, different apostle to whom God gave many, many revelations.
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Well-known member
Greetings again Right Divider,
There are many gospels PLAINLY shown in the Bible. You just want to blend them all into a muddled smoothie.
There are also different types of salvation are confused as well.
The early chapters of Acts clearly show the twelve apostles for the twelves tribes still preaching to the twelve tribes. Paul is that other, different apostle to whom God gave many, many revelations.
I appreciate your response. I suggest that there is only One Gospel, and Peter preached this Gospel to the Jews at Pentecost and to Cornelius a Gentile and Paul preached this Gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. Salvation is by belief of this Gospel.

Kind regards

Right Divider

Body part
Greetings again Right Divider, I appreciate your response. I suggest that there is only One Gospel, and Peter preached this Gospel to the Jews at Pentecost and to Cornelius a Gentile and Paul preached this Gospel to both Jews and Gentiles. Salvation is by belief of this Gospel.

Kind regards
That is Churchianity and it's a myth.

Peter did NOT preach the cross to Cornelius. If he did, you could show it.

There is NO "Christ died for your sins" in Acts 10. It's just not there. But for you, your fairy tale takes priority and therefore you cannot see the truth.
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