. Therefore, Judas never preached the New Covenant like the Apostle Paul and Peter did.
Dodgeball asserts that he did, you moron. Call him on it. I forgot....You're a man pleaser, wimp, weasel, with no spine/vertebrae/backbone, and have no interest, in defending the purity of of the gospel of Christ, but just here, because you're an unemployed loser, having gotten kicked out of your church, saw our business go under, so this is your "avenue to fame," a way to give credence to your miserable failures in life, as you are MAD obsessed, spending half of your waking hours, satisfying your dispy obsession/man crush, as "that's all you got."
How did I do, loser? And get a job, start exercising, or something, you clown, troll. And start paying attention to your neglected wife/kids.
Am I clear? And quit emailing me, plagiarizing-it's against TOL rules, Craigie the no chin/arms/spine troll.