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No it wasn't. My question was "Did the 12 preach it before it happened?". And they did not. So the gospel they preached was different from the one Paul preached.
Who said that?
Hint: It wasn't Jesus. Nor was it one of his disciples.
Because, none of them say what the "good news" is.
What good news? What was the good news they preached?
Still no answer.
And I have explained why.
No you haven't.
Did He preach it to anyone else? Did they?
Apparently not.
And when did Jesus say this?
I actually read the passages in context.
Those who were sent out had nothing else but what had been covered by that time. 1, he was the Lamb of God
(that is very specific in that time and place)
2, he had the proven/demonstrated authority to grant forgiveness of sins
3, he was called Joshua because he would save his people from sins
Now, obviously there is a lot of things he taught that 'streamlined' things ethically compared to the Law. But there was the heart before that which was God was offering forgiveness in Christ.
And that remark by the accusing council about 'remember when he was alive...?' well, yeah, that reflects many months because they were not 'insiders.'
There is no gospel for the Jews that was about a kingdom or restored state, if that is what your'e saying. But there were some pinching ways of saying what kind of response there should be to the one gospel.