Academy Award Film “Spotlight” and Paedophile Priests


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Hall of Fame
The academy award movie, “Spotlight” portrays the ongoing abuse of children, at the hands of Catholic priest as epidemic.

“When the Boston Globe's tenacious "Spotlight" team of reporters delves into allegations of abuse in the Catholic Church, their year-long investigation uncovers a decades-long cover-up at the highest levels of Boston's religious, legal, and government establishment, touching off a wave of revelations around the world”

SPOTLIGHT tells the riveting true story of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Boston Globe investigation that would rock the city and cause a crisis in one of the world's oldest and most trusted institutions. When the newspaper's tenacious "Spotlight" team of reporters delves into allegations of abuse in the Catholic Church, their year-long investigation uncovers a decades-long cover-up at the highest levels of Boston's religious, legal, and government establishment, touching off a wave of revelations around the world.

The find explores the reality of ongoing sexual abuse by Catholic priest. The assumption reaffirms the prevailing notion that the church mandate for celibacy continues to attract paedophiles to the priesthood. The John Jay Report found sexual abuse by Catholic priests, “around 81% of these victims were male”.

In the early 2000s, several priest molestation scandals broke that have rippled worldwide. Many cases were not prosecutable, as the evidence uncovered was from so long ago that the Statute of Limitations had expired. As a result of some of the cases, there was a push to alter these statutes so that adults who were molested as children would have a chance to testify and seek justice years after the event. In just one Australian state, Victoria, it is estimated between 600 and 10,000 children were abused since the 1930s.[3] It is estimated that at least 4% of Roman Catholic priests serving in the United States during the first half of the 20th Century abused minors.'s entirely unnatural to force a person to be "celibate?" Perhaps the priesthood attracts child molesters because of its unnatural structure that, by eliminating healthy sexuality, encourages perversion and also covers it up?

The Catholic church’s position on priest celibacy has always been cloaked in the assumption of moral purity and asceticism, yet priests were permitted to marry until the twelfth century. Lawrence Cunningham, a professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, said the mandatory celibacy rules were adopted for many reasons, both theological and practical. Among the latter, he said, was the need to avoid claims on church property by priests’ offspring.

A 2005 article in the conservative Irish weekly the Western People proposed that clerical celibacy contributed to the abuse problem by suggesting that the institution of celibacy has created a "morally superior" status that is easily misapplied by abusive priests.

Many who become priests are homosexuals with sexual developmental disorders; these men choose the priesthood to avoid exposure of their homosexuality. The priesthood has attracted a disproportionate number of men who desire a life free of sexual censorship, yet often they surreptitiously act out their sexual confusion on innocent children, many who revere priests and have, in past times, refused to expose local priest, afraid to speak out against the Catholic church; they are usually too ashamed to report sexual misconduct by priests because of personal guilt.
Jason Berry, author of Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children, says celibacy can be a cloak of supposed purity that allows unhealthy priests to hide their sexual dysfunction.

It is easy to think that when we talk about the crisis of child rape and abuse that we are talking about the past – and the Catholic Church would have us believe that this most tragic era in church history is over. It is not. It lives on today. Paedophiles are still in the priesthood. Cover-ups of their crimes are happening now, and bishops in many cases are continuing to refuse to turn information over to the criminal justice system. Cases are stalled and cannot go forward because the church has such power to stop them. Children are still being harmed and victims cannot heal.

Bradley D

Well-known member
I believe the Catholic church bases its non-marriage of Priests on Jesus' words.

"The disciples said to him, 'If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.' Jesus replied, 'Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it” (Matthew 19:10-12).

Of course Jesus did not say it was a requirement for all. I believe it is good in that one is not tied down to worldly things, which having wife and children. But, I believe He saw that it was not for everyone.

Paul spoke of the leaders of the church being married.

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach.." (1 Tim. 3:2). Therefore, celibacy was not a requirement of the early church.

Even if the Catholic Church continues to demand celibate priesthood. They should be more careful of who they allow to be priests. I am sure there could be a psychological testing done these days to determine what ones sexual orientation is.

An interesting note. Married Episcopalian Priests who have left the church for their non-acceptance of homosexuals being accepted in the Episcopalian Church have accepted by the Catholic Church.


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Very few choose to live like eunuchs, most have some sexuality, and those who do not seem to express it, more often oppress it, quite often because they are infantile, or homosexual. Today, the standard of ethical marriage is far more salient.

Until the Catholic church begins to care more for souls and less for maintaining property, the longer will be those entering the priesthood with sexual disturbances.

I would not trust my kids to be alone with priest.


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Hall of Fame
Catholics need to stop being twp-faced about sex. They are against using birth control, yet do not punish their own priests for homosexuality. They need to get rid of the celibacy rule!
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Reply to post #1....

That's a great example of the gangrene that passes as Christ's true Church, and that people accept even though the problem is crystal clear.

And it's not just in the U.S. It's everywhere.


New member
I believe the Catholic church bases its non-marriage of Priests on Jesus' words.

"The disciples said to him, 'If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.' Jesus replied, 'Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it” (Matthew 19:10-12).

Of course Jesus did not say it was a requirement for all. I believe it is good in that one is not tied down to worldly things, which having wife and children. But, I believe He saw that it was not for everyone.

Paul spoke of the leaders of the church being married.

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach.." (1 Tim. 3:2). Therefore, celibacy was not a requirement of the early church.

Even if the Catholic Church continues to demand celibate priesthood. They should be more careful of who they allow to be priests. I am sure there could be a psychological testing done these days to determine what ones sexual orientation is.

An interesting note. Married Episcopalian Priests who have left the church for their non-acceptance of homosexuals being accepted in the Episcopalian Church have accepted by the Catholic Church.

No, Christ wasn't calling for Christian men to be celibate/single. He said that some people had the disposition to be celibate, and if that is the case, more power to them....that's essentially what he said. So there is no reason whatsoever for a church law to be instituted that forbids ANYONE to marry, even priests. It all originated in the popes being concerned about church property going to wives of priests upon the death of the priest. $$$$$ is always the bottom line.

Isn't it hypocritical of the RCC to accept anti-gay priests? I wonder what the motive is. It is widely known that priests, bishops & what-have-you have clandestine rondezvous in dark smoky places with other men. When they're not behind the altar or in the rectory having it on with little boys.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You are right. It is a major problem, here in the USA and more likely than not, worse in Latin American countries.

The film did an excellent job demonstrated how much damage the Catholic church has done. I had to see am example of how some persons would be so in need of the Catholic church and so devoted to priests, as vicars of Christ, to see how the betrayal and extreme abuse could ruin their lives.

It is a movie, yet based on real events and the shock is monstrous! Those priests should had received the death penalty!


This information is everywhere. Just pay attention and do some simple research.
I'm sorry but your link doesn't work either. Can't somebody provide a link for something in the OP? I mean, besides someone who didn't post the OP? Can we stop asking someone who didn't post something to find the proof for it? That'd be awesome.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There are lots of links.
The Commission's report said testimony had demonstrated beyond a doubt that the entire system treated children more like prison inmates and slaves than people with legal rights and human potential, that some religious officials encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders amid a "culture of self-serving secrecy", and that government inspectors failed to stop the abuses.[2]

Among the more extreme allegations of abuse were beatings and rapes, subjection to naked beatings in public, being forced into oral sex, and subjection to beatings after failed rape attempts by brothers.[3] The abuse has been described by some as Ireland's Holocaust.[4][5] The abuse was said to be "endemic" in the institutions that dealt with boys.[6] The UK based Guardian newspaper, described the abuse as "the stuff of nightmares", citing the adjectives used in the report as being particularly chilling: "systemic,