About Your Christian Life


New member
I wish that someone would have written an article like this when I first became a Christian. It could have saved me much spiritual frustration. I was taught that in order to be saved I would have to be good enough, you know a fit vessel. I knew little to nothing about the Bible, which made me a candidate for the holiness people. At one time I was the Chief of all Pharisees. If it wasn't for the teachings of people that were nonreligious and were outside of the organized church I guess that I would have remained a Pharisee.

It was the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ that caused me to see the error of my ways. The Gospel allows us to remain a sinner and still be saved. This is why Paul wrote, "But to him that does no works, but believes on him that justifies the UNGODLY his faith is counted for righteousness" Romans 4:5. I knew in my heart that I did not measure up to what God's law demands, so I played the part of a hypocrite. Outwardly, I was a whited sepulcher, but inwardly I was full of dead men's bones, Matthew 23:27.

"Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness" Romans 4:3. Not Abraham's works or his religious life. It was his faith that counted for righteousness. Abraham believed in God's promise of a savior. In the Old Testament era they were saved and justified because they believed in God's promise of a savior. They looked forward to seeing the savior. Today, we look back to when Jesus was here. Things have not changed we are still justified by faith. We believe God.

Religion is the opposite of faith. Saving faith is always faith in Christ and his Gospel. No works are required. Religion requires works and obedience to God's law. Works and obedience do not justify. If you are trusting in your works and your obedience you are not a Christian. What you are is religious, just like I was. One might say..."What about my Christian life"? Paul's answer to that question might be... "For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God" Colossians 3:3. We are not called to glory in our Christian existence. Paul referred to himself as the... "Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15.

The reason that God leaves his people on this earth after they are saved is not to attain to some sort of holiness. We are already perfect and complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10. We who are saved have entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. We are no longer striving to be good enough. Christ was good enough for us. Our purpose on this earth is to be witnesses for Christ and his Gospel.



New member
The real question you must ask yourself
is are you worth it to God for Him to save you?

If you say no then I highly doubt He will save you.

If you say yes then I highly believe it will be required of you
by your time here on earth to prove it.

That is what you come up with, after Pate's great post...
