One Ugly Christian
New member
Fair enough. Sick in what sense do you mean? If what you mean is that we are all capable of performing evil acts, of feeling resentment, anger and jealously towards others be it by acting out of ignorance, selfishness or some other reason; then such is indeed something we are prone to. But we are also such that we are capable of performing good acts, of feeling trust, kindness and love towards others. We are not perfect and so we don’t always excel in virtue as we should and we are not always as we should be with respect to our fellow humans; but this is not something that I see as a supernatural issue (flowing from something like the fall and Original Sin) needing an equally supernatural solution (the grace of God).
I used to think like this back as a teenager (I didn’t grow up religious) and I am aware that a lot of atheists and “free thinkers” tend to brush off Christians as weak minded sheep who can’t think for themselves. But I don’t personally hold that opinion.
Thanks for your message OUC
Good response and very clear reasoning. And good question on what is "sick." I guess it's just something I believe I see on a deeper level than emotions. Something spiritual inside a person that has chosen the "ugly" over the good. Hitler is always the "fall guy" for things like this. In his reasoning and in his "heart" he probably believed he was a good person doing righteous things. But there just has to be more to the entire history regarding the hatred and persecution of the Jews. Something darker, more sinister and something deeper in the soles of men.
Would depend on what you mean by “God”.... this is a being who is said to be active in the world, who loves, cares for and is involved in human affairs, who is said to be bringing about his divine plan, performing miracles, answering prayers, etc;.... Evo
I'm a big fan of Bob Enyart's who preaches that God is not active in the world today. His book "The Plot" gives Scriptural arguments for this belief. I'm actually split on the issue and just have to say I don't know. But one great point Enyart makes is that God is not our butler. He's not there to clean up our messes like when we raise our children with, for example, no discipline. When a parent has a really screwed up kid who's doing drugs or whatever and that parent then prays to God to "fix it" they should look in the mirror instead. It was that parent's responsibility to raise their child and this same kind of thing is true for all things in life. We as people, governments, churches and every institution under the sun hurt ourselves and each other on a daily bases and then cry like little girls because God doesn't snap His fingers and fix everything (myself included).