Stripe said:
I just read your post and it's obvious you don't understand the challenge LH is making. If there is a conversation between two people at different altitudes then the conversation is never going to take different amounts of time for each party.
If you're going to insist that is only because the differences are too small to notice then you're not engaging in the discussion.
There are many "clocks" people can look at that will always record the same passage of time for both parties. They both look at the same sun. It will rise and set the same amount of times for both parties no matter the duration or the gravitational difference. The fact that two atomic clocks might record a different amount of time is only evidence that gravity has affected one clock to a greater extent.
I just read your post and it's obvious you don't have the first clue about relativity. The sun is outside of both observer's inertial frames, and thus both observers will always agree on where the sun is. What they won't agree on is how long it took to get there, because they are experiencing time differently. So one observer might say "It took 24 hours for the sun to make a round trip!", while another might say "What? I only measured 4 hours!". (Obviously that time difference is grossly exaggerated for the sake of conversation)
For the record, it's much much easier to speak in terms of special relativity (i.e. velocity effecting time) rather than general relativity. Our brains are ill-equipped to picture the curvature of space-time, but we handle velocity and the speed of light much better.
Going backwards in time (to your previous reply to me) --
Johnny said:
In other words, a wall clock, a digital clock, and a water clock will all be affected differently by the same change in gravity.
Stripe said:
So? For every case we are capable of making adjustments to account for those changes in degree of effect.
Johnny said:
Exactly. For each individual clock, a unique correction factor must be used because each clock is affected differently (even when they are subject to the same changing variable)
Stripe said:
So .. lemme get this straight. Two atomic clocks supposedly measuring the relativistic difference between two gravity conditions must first be correlated to eliminate the individuality of their timekeeping ability?
No, you misunderstood me. I am saying that each clock, such as a water clock, or a mechanical clock would keep time differently under increased gravity -- but they are all off by their own unique measure. There is no predicting how much differently they would keep time because that would depend on how they were built and what sort of physical structure they had. This is contrasted to general / special relativity where every clock is off by the
same measure under any given gravitational field or velocity.
Johnny said:
This is not the case with relativity. Every clock is affected to the same degree.
Stripe said:
Prove it. How can you test for the effect of gravity upon an atomic clock when you will not even admit that the observation of its effects has anything to do with gravity?
I already cited several papers in support of my position. Each clock is off according to the Lorentz curve, no matter which clock scientists chose to use. Again, this is exactly
NOT what we would see if it were just a matter of gravity physically affecting the clocks. In that case we would expect each clock off by it's own measure, depending on the mechanism of the clock. Plotting out different clocks would result in a scatter plot, not the curve that the Lorentz transformation predicts.
Johnny said:
Gravity has nothing to do with special relativity (to which I am clearly referring). The effect is still present even when gravity is accounted for, or in zero gravity situations.
Stripe said:
There is no such thing as a zero gravity condition.
There is such thing as a net zero-gravity situation. Gravity is merely acceleration towards a massive body. That acceleration can be reduced to 0 by creating a situation in which there is net acceleration in the opposite direction. That's why our satellites don't fall to earth.
Stripe said:
The "effect" you are talking about is the mathematical synchronisation of the two clocks which is done in order to preserve the universal constant as a universal constant.
No, that's not the "effect" I'm talking about. I'm talking about the dissynchrony of clocks at different velocities. Unless you've got a serious amount of physics under your belt, you have no idea what equations are even involved here, nor would you have the faintest idea how to manipulate them. I hardly thing you should be handing out lessons as to exactly what mathematics is involved and what is done in the equations.
Johnny said:
Two different clocks will experience the exact same time dilating effects under the same conditions, regardless of their mechanism of action of the clocks. The lorentz transformation describes the degree in which all clocks will measure time at a given velocity, not just atomic clocks. This is demonstrated by the numerous studies calculating muon decay, pion lifetimes, kaon lifetimes, atomic resonance frequencies, as well as a number of other techniques which, despite the varying mechanism for keeping time, all show the changes in time plotted along the same lortenz curve. In other words, at the same velocities, two clocks operating by different mechanisms demonstrate the exact same change in time. This is in contrast to the clock examples you provided earlier, which are all simply reduced to a physical force acting on a mechanical clock thereby decreasing its accuracy.
Stripe said:
Do you have a link to these numbers?
If I referenced the papers would you be able to look them up?
Johnny said:
The invariance of the speed of light is a postulate on which special relativity rests, it isn't a product of special relativity. And anyways, isn't that something we can measure? We can find luminous objects in space we are moving away from at extremely high velocities. Why not just measure the speed of light incoming from those objects? And given modern technologies, can't we measure changes in the speed of light in the lab?
Stripe said:
Sure. And don't those observations show that the speed of light can change? How is it that we tell whether a star is moving towards or away from us, again? I can show the speed of light changing given a glass of water.
Those observations show that the speed of light is absolutely constant in a vacuum (I had left vacuum out of my previous comment and took it that you understood that basic concept). We can tell whether a star is moving towards or away by its Doppler shift, the light is still reaching us at c. The speed of light changes appears to change within a glass of water because (a) its path is not straight and (b) there is some absorption and re-emission occurring. The speed of light in the vast empty void between the atoms in a glass of water remains, however, constant. So once again, do you believe that the speed of light is constant
in a vacuum?
Johnny said:
Do you think you think generations of brilliant physicists have neglected to consider your objections?
Stripe said:
So your arrogance is astounding. Do you see a trend here? You believe you have more insight than most of the worlds biologists, geologists, and now physicists.
Stripe said:
A particle accelerator, obviously.
Stripe said:
The changes in speed and gravity will affect one particle and not the other. Those differences can be measured. Those differences can be measured on any two processes that are otherwise identical.
And in practical terms, how does that make a particle "live" longer and why is this exactly what is predicted (to less than a % accuracy) by the equations which mandate that time itself must change? Do give me some answers!
Stripe said:
The differences will always be related (you call this a Lortenz curve, though I'm not sure why).
No, no it won't. If you take a wall clock with poorly made plastic gears and heavy arms, and then a water clock, and subject them to a new gravitational field, are you suggesting that both clocks will be off by the same factor?
Stripe said:
Do you not agree that when we have a set of unexplained observations that it is far more scientific to use propoes one explanation rather than two?
Yes. However general relativity explains dozens of phenomena (and makes testable predictions about these dozens of phenomena which have been verified time and time again) which would otherwise be unexplainable by Newton's ideas of gravity. It does not just explain the "clocks", those are but one small part of general relativity.