Obviously we will come to different conclusions based on our worldviews.
Mine is this:
The plain teaching of the Bible is that all life is sacred equally and that life begins at conception.
There are those who argue otherwise; in my opinion, in vain. The Bible uses the words man, woman, child, son, daughter, baby, interchangeably for born and unborn.
So it really boils down to the same old thing every time. Did God author the Bible and deposit it with us for our instruction?
The following anecdote certainly proves nothing, but it is interesting, at least, to me.
My grandfather emigrated from Ontario, Canada to the U.S. somewhere around 1860. He heard President Taft was giving away farmland and received a grant (I still have it) for 200 acres in what would become the state of South Dakota. Life was hard on the plains and winters doubly so. He married late in life and in 1895 his younger wife gave birth to his only son, my father. The mother died that same day at home on the farm, Dec. 6, 1895, in childbirth. My father went on to serve in WW1, married and had a son and daughter, divorced and married my mother. I was the only child of that union. I became a Christian, married and had a son and daughter who both became Christians and I now have 8 grandchildren who are being taught the Word of God as truth.
I have often wondered many things; in particular, what would have happened if a doctor had been called in to examine her the day before the birth. Would attempts to save her resulted in my father's death? Would they have recognized that she would likely die if she gave birth in her condition and decided to prevent the birth by killing the child?
I know one thing for sure. Any mother worth her calling as a giver of life, would give her life for her child.