Abortion Anyone?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Replace the word abortion with homosexuality/pedophilia/pederasty, incest or bestiality and see how ridiculous your statement is Aar...ahem...Gerald.

The only thing which can properly be described as being ridiculous is your confusion.

Do you really think that the founders of the USA wanted the abortion issue to be decided by just a few people who were not elected to anything?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Replace the word abortion with homosexuality/pedophilia/pederasty, incest or bestiality and see how ridiculous your statement is Aar...ahem...Gerald.

The only thing which can properly be described as being ridiculous is your confusion.

Do you really think that the founders of the USA wanted the abortion issue to be decided by just a few people who were not elected to anything?

Provide one quote (just one) where any of the Founding Fathers stated that immoral behavior should be left up to the respective States to decide.

I've never seen such a statement, and I'm a long time student of our Christian Founding Fathers. Maybe you'll have better luck.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Replace the word abortion with homosexuality/pedophilia/pederasty, incest or bestiality....

why do that?

Call it what it is


If murder should be allowed to be decided by the respective States, why shouldn't the above mentioned sins?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Provide one quote (just one) where any of the Founding Fathers stated that immoral behavior should be left up to the respective States to decide.

Before abortion was legalized it was the states who had passed laws which forbid it.

Do you not even know this simple fact?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
If murder should be allowed to be decided by the respective States, why shouldn't the above mentioned sins?

Are you mot aware that not all states treat murder in the same way?

When a trail is underway it is the law which is on the books for a particular state which decide the issue, not laws passed by the federal government.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"Abortion Anyone?"

Nope. Not ever. Children matter ... before birth and AFTER. They do not belong in a waste bin (via AOD) OR in cages (via Trump).

And yet you love your baby-killers Obama and Hillary, and hate the greatest pro-life president ever, Trump. You are a fraud and a hypocrite. Your vote for the Democrats puts the blood of those babies on your hands.


like marbles on glass
And yet you love your baby-killers Obama and Hillary, and hate the greatest pro-life president ever, Trump. You are a fraud and a hypocrite. Your vote for the Democrats puts the blood of those babies on your hands.

No she's not and no it doesn't.

And by the way, Trump is the worst. president. ever.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If murder should be allowed to be decided by the respective States....

It shouldn't, which was my point

Share that with your Trump ally Gerald Shugart, as he doesn't seem to be catching on quickly.


Right on Lincoln!

Perhaps you could pull up a quote (just one) from the Founding Fathers showing that they believed that sinful behavior was a States Rights issue?

Speaking of Gerald: He stated this earlier:

The question of whether or not to make abortion legal should have been decided in each individual state and not by a handful of people who were not elected to anything.

A handful of men (many of them weren't elected officials) decided the issue back in the late 1700's. They wrote in the Declaration of Independence that the right to life cannot be taken away without due process, something that they stated again in the 5th and 14th Amendments.


like marbles on glass
Well said!

Cultural Christians are still Christians, and they still overwhelmingly represent the majority of abortions obtained. Christians need to come to grips with that, and quit absolving themselves from blame for perpetuating the very thing they work against.


Well-known member
Perhaps you could pull up a quote (just one) from the Founding Fathers showing that they believed that sinful behavior was a States Rights issue?

You can't even ask a legit question.

The Berean said:
Hey Doc,

I have another question for you. In several posts you've said that America today is no longer what the founding fathers had intended. So exactly what kind of country did they intend for America to be?
Well, where do I start.

They intended for us to have liberty, to be a free people. The Federal Government was to be small. The states were to be thier own countries. Only centralized in the sense the Federal government can do its own just functions, which is protect the people and provide infrastruture. The Federal Government wasnt to have a National Education Association, an IRS, among other alphabet depts.

The states were to raise armies to lend to the federal government in case a state was attacked. For you attack one, you attack us all. The reason for the declaration of war. To be unified.

To worship God or not to worship God. Even God grants people that right. Some to glory, some to eternal damnation.

Among other things if I get time to get into it tomorrow. But thats a good start.


Well-known member
Cultural Christians are still Christians, and they still overwhelmingly represent the majority of abortions obtained. Christians need to come to grips with that, and quit absolving themselves from blame for perpetuating the very thing they work against.

Ok, what makes a christian a christian?


like marbles on glass
Ok, what makes a christian a christian?

As you well know, there are multiple answers to that, depending on what denomination you're talking to. But once a person has been baptized/accepted Christ as personal savior, whether OSAS or predestined or capable or incapable of sin based on their view of grace - they're a Christian. You don't get to take that away from them because in your mind they couldn't possibly be Christian while at the same time getting an abortion. They're Christian if they say they are, and you're unable to read their souls to say otherwise.


like marbles on glass
He is .. and I do not consider him prolife ... in the least. For him, it's simply a slogan.

Everything for him is weighed by whether it's politically expedient for him, if it makes him look good, if it gives him a boost over his rivals, if it makes the crowd roar, if it gives him more power, if it will keep people focused on him, if it makes the news, if it gives Fox & Friends shivers of adoration running up and down the place where their self respect used to be.