Abortion Anyone?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I knew a woman (unfortunately a relative of mine) who got pregnant and carried the baby for a long time. Then I saw her later and she was no longer pregnant. I asked her what happened and she said that it became inconvenient for her to have a baby so she had a late term abortion.

All the time when she was carrying that baby she knew that baby was a little person inside her but when that baby became inconvenient she had no qualms about killing that little person. Of course she would have never done such a dastardly thing except for the fact that so many of her peers put their stamp of approval on killing little people inside the womb. And of course those peers who approve of and even encourage abortions are the same people who we see crying crocodile tears when children were separated from their parents at the border!

They encourage the separating of babies from their mothers when the mother is pregnant but they cry the biggest tears of all people when the little children are separated from their parents at the border!

Is there something wrong with this picture?

How did abortion become legal?

Those who wrote the Constitution of the USA thought it best to give the authority to the states to decide issues like this. That is why they specifically limited the powers of the federal government. They were right that matters as serious as this should be decided by those closest to the people, such as the state legislatures. Then those representatives who are closest to the people could either decide the question in their Congress or they could let the people vote on it.

But in the case of Roe vs. Wade the decision was made by nine people who were not even elected! That is the most undemocratic thing which has ever happened in the USA! And to make it worse they had to make up a right which the Constitution never spoke of--the right to privacy!

Since then untold numbers of the unborn have been murdered and today the very people who cry the biggest crocodile tears because children are being separated from their parents are the most vocal of all people demanding that no one can be appointed to the Supreme Court who would dare question if the murder of these unborn people is constitutional or not!

They sure don't want anyone to interfere with their decision to kill little people in the womb if that little person becomes inconvenient for them.

Mothers are the people who should be the greatest protector of the unborn but in our society more often than not the mother has turned into a monster who will not hesitate to murder those who are unable to protect themselves just because it becomes inconvenient for them. And the Dems are the strongest defenders of this ungodly practice so anyone who supports that party is giving their stamp of approval to killing little people who are unable to defend themselves!

Why would anyone who cares about little people ever become a Democrat? What is so attractive about that party which can overcome their approval of the killing of little children, children unable to defend themselves?

Is there are Democrat on this forum who will answer this question?


… Those who wrote the Constitution of the USA thought it best to give the authority to the states to decide issues like this. That is why they specifically limited the powers of the federal government. They were right that matters as serious as this should be decided by those closest to the people, such as the state legislatures.

Umm, no Gerald, they didn't think that it was best left to the states. Where do you get your information from?

"Subsequent federal and state laws banning abortion altogether were a logical development of the Founding Fathers’ absolute reverence for the self-evident and inalienable right to life. It is no accident that the Declaration, as written by Thomas Jefferson, characterizes the right to life as the first of those three foundational rights for the sake of which government itself is instituted."

The Horn

Jerry , I don't know how advanced in the pregnancy your friend was , but the overwhelming majority of abortions in America are in the first term ,log before a fetus has developed a brain or nervous system , has consciousness and feel pain .
Women don't just capriciously decide to have abortions at the last minute . This just doesn't happen, and late term ones happen in he case of medical emergencies when a woman's life and health
is in danger .
Like it or not, abortion is not going away - ever . If Roe v Wade is overturned, and it very well could be sometime soon because of Trump's choice for the current Supreme Court vacancy , the only thing that will end will be the legality of abortion . If this happens, back-alley abortionists will instantly spring into action in all 50 states , and it won't be pretty . Our government will not be able to enforce the law, because laws against abortion are just plain unenforceable.
The only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies , which is something all pro-choicers want to do , but this is more easily said than done .
Americans who think abortion will be "ended " by making it illegal again are totally deluded .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Like it or not, abortion is not going away - ever .

like it or not, child molestation is not going away - ever

Americans who think abortion will be "ended " by making it illegal again are totally deluded .

americans who think child molestation will be "ended" by making it illegal are totally deluded


you've just made the argument for decriminalizing child molestation!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jerry , I don't know how advanced in the pregnancy your friend was , but the overwhelming majority of abortions in America are in the first term ,log before a fetus has developed a brain or nervous system , has consciousness and feel pain .

It doesn't matter what stage because all of us are made in the image of God.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Contrary to what you said, the Founding Fathers of our once great nation didn't believe that immoral behavior was a "States rights issue".

They believed that decisions which effect millions of people should not be made by just a few people who were not even elected.


like marbles on glass

It looks like that was intended for me, as it showed up in my quote notifications.

While I'm here, I'll add that 70% of abortions is a lot of lives lost to the very demographic that fights the pro-life battle the hardest. That's tough to think about.

That's why it's doubtful Roe v Wade will be overturned. As I said elsewhere, even when the SC is positioned to do it, the GOP politicians won't act. It's politically expedient to press for votes on a pro-life plank only when the plank isn't actually in danger of being nailed down.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I'd have a difficult time supporting a ban on abortion in defense of the mother.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
That's why it's doubtful Roe v Wade will be overturned. As I said elsewhere, even when the SC is positioned to do it, the GOP politicians won't act. It's politically expedient to press for votes on a pro-life plank only when the plank isn't actually in danger of being nailed down.

If the right person is appointed to the bench and the right kind of case is brought before the Supreme Court it can be overturned. And should be overturned.

"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man"


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If the right person is appointed to the bench and the right kind of case is brought before the Supreme Court it can be overturned. And should be overturned.
It would be nice if we all agreed about what to do, before "we" went ahead and did anything though. And this applies as equally to abortion, as it does to gun control.

"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man"
Right, of course, but, what about when the fetus is so young that they don't even have blood yet? Then it wouldn't technically be shed blood.


like marbles on glass
If the right person is appointed to the bench and the right kind of case is brought before the Supreme Court it can be overturned. And should be overturned.

"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man"

I agree it's possible, but from what I understand it wouldn't just be Roe v Wade, the Court would also have to have reconsider PP v Casey. At any rate, my point is that if decisions on abortion rights were handed back to the states, the GOP would face a political minefield in which they'd have to actually walk their talk, which may or may not keep them in office, since a majority don't want to see Roe overturned (including 43% of Republicans), according to a recent Kaiser poll. Gallup also showed a majority favored at least some abortion access. And it goes without saying that this will galvanize pro-choice voters.

But back to the part of my post you ignored: if 70% of women getting abortions identify as Christians, and yet Christians are largely the front line of the defense of life, how do you reconcile the dichotomy? Because when those Christians are casting their private ballots, I don't see how you can expect they'll line up behind a ban on abortion.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...if 70% of women getting abortions identify as Christians, and yet Christians are largely the front line of the defense of life, how do you reconcile the dichotomy? Because when those Christians are casting their private ballots, I don't see how you can expect they'll line up behind a ban on abortion.
It would not be the first time Christians'd be guilty of hypocrisy. But also, it wouldn't be entirely un-Christian to think of legal abortion as structural scandal, that actually results in more and more mothers choosing what they otherwise would freely not choose, if it were not so easy to get an abortion.

Kind of like gun haters arguing about making it more difficult to access assault weapons. Gun haters think easier access to assault weapons = more murders. So maybe some of those Christian moms who opt for abortions, when their lives aren't in any danger from the pregnancy, will vote for an abortion ban for similar reasons as gun haters do for gun control.