"Her goal is only as likely as..."Originally posted by aikido7
If any WOMAN demands an abortion, her goal is only as likely as her own creativity, resourcefulness and conscience.
After the individual sincerely repents before God and man of taking a human life via abortion and seeks to atone for this tragedy, Christians are required to forgive.That is hard to forgive for many--even seventy times seven.
Stop advocating the murder of babys before you speak of grace!Originally posted by aikido7
I'm pro-death, silly.
If your brand of grace or forgiveness has something to do with rules, boundaries and requirements, I really think you are talking about something other than grace.
Honor the Son. Pick up a cross. How many tables in your Temple have YOU destroyed today?
Your light hearted respose exposing your support for abortion on demad, speaks volumes concerning your moral clarity. You are a morally sick human being.Originally posted by aikido7
I'm pro-death, silly.
You are a blind guide without hope unless you repent and ask God for forgiveness. Ignore rules, boundaries, and requirements to your own peril. Your blood will be on your own head. Wake up and save your soul before it is too late.If your brand of grace or forgiveness has something to do with rules, boundaries and requirements, I really think you are talking about something other than grace.
You speak with the voice of a demon. Your freedom will only come through exorcism.:angel:Originally posted by aikido7
I never murder them--but if they need babysitting, the best thing to do is put 'em in the bathtub and cover it over with chicken wire.
None of that Psalm-137-dash-em-to-pieces-on-the-rock stuff!
Originally posted by ShadowMaid
There is no acception for murdering an innocent baby.
Answer: Prior to 1973 when abortion was illegal, abortion was authorized only to save the life of the mother. That makes sense.Originally posted by Rydo
I read as much of the thread as I could given my time constraints, and have the following quesetion to ask.
To those who are against abortion: Are there any conditions you see that would allow for an abortion? If so, what are they?
Originally posted by Art Deco
Answer: Prior to 1973 when abortion was illegal, abortion was authorized only to save the life of the mother. That makes sense.
What if the birth will kill the mother?Originally posted by ShadowMaid
There is no acception for murdering an innocent baby.
Perhaps it will be more fruitful to answer my question before responding with one of your own?Originally posted by Sozo
As rare as that is, would you throw yourself in front of a bullet to save your child?