ECT "Abiding Faith"


Well-known member
I like the direction your going! Lets talk more about Faith.

Are you familiar with problem that The English language doesn't have a corresponding verb for the noun Faith?

Nope. Does that mean all English Bibles are inadequate or misleading?
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Nope. Does that mean all English Bibles are inadequate or misleading?

No, mine is very adequate. But i'm very fortunate in that God blessed me with Gifted teacher to teach it to me.

Misleading, no. I look at it as a stumbling block. But if people can't relate to the true meaning of the word "pisteuo", it would undoubtedly mean that The Spirit of Christ is not theres yet, Christ is not theres yet, and His Word is not theres yet. (rom. 8:9) So no, the problem isn't with Gods Word. It's more about 99% of so called Bible teachers that are teacing a false message. Even teaching it, when Gods Word isn't theirs yet either.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He IS Lord of all whether or not He is one's Savior. EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will confess that fact in the end, and many, like yourself, shall say in that day, "But Lord, didn't I ____ ?" And you know what He'll say.

Now, if you'll be so kind, please explain exactly what it is about the o.p. that bothered you.

Exactamundo. These "Lordship 'Salvation'" drones are attempting to convince us that we are to "hire our boss." They wouldn't dare to try pulling that jazz, in the secular world, and would probably get fired, and yet they think they are talkin' to their Uncle Joe, whoosamovin' kinda slow, on TOL
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Well-known member
Exactamundo. These "Lordship 'Salvation'" drones are attempting to convince us that we are to "hire our boss." They wouldn't dare pull that jazz, in the secular world, and would probably get fired, and yet they think they are talkin' to their Uncle Joe, whoosamovin' kinda slow, on TOL

So is Lordship Salvation what's behind this idea of a verb definition of faith....that there is no one word? I don't see what's wrong with BELIEVE. Admittedly, believe is more than a head knowledge, and would include the word "trust". I'm not up on this "hire our boss" notion.


Well-known member
So is Lordship Salvation what's behind this idea of a verb definition of faith?

I believe so. I've seen some define it something like "A faith profession that MUST result in a changed life if it's for real." It all goes right back to Reformed theology (and it's non-Reformed strains) all of which come from Roman Catholicism, which came from the early Judaized church that turned away from Paul. It all goes back to not knowing for sure that Christ has saved you 100%, thus necessitating your own works to earn or to at least prove that you're saved, which still amounts to a false gospel.

The root of it all is being ignorant or unconvinced of the blessings inherent in the Gospel of the grace of God.

I post this as one who has been there and done it.


Well-known member
No, mine is very adequate. But i'm very fortunate in that God blessed me with Gifted teacher to teach it to me.

Misleading, no. I look at it as a stumbling block. But if people can't relate to the true meaning of the word "pisteuo", it would undoubtedly mean that The Spirit of Christ is not theres yet, Christ is not theres yet, and His Word is not theres yet.

Uh, whether one understands the meaning of the word faith or not doesn't matter, but that we experience it....believing unto salvation. We hear the word of truth and are persuaded by it. Gifted teachers have nothing to do with the Gospel being PREACHED. The word is preached by most every member of the body of Christ...thus faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Teachers have their place, but I'm not seeing it necessary for what you say here.


Well-known member

Paul tells us that the Gospel itself is the power of God unto salvation. Meaning the power is not merely in the Good News. The power IS the Good News.

That has to mean that anyone who believes the Gospel gets saved -- not because there's any power or merit in one's belief but because of the power inherent in what is believed.

Would you agree with that much?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So is Lordship Salvation what's behind this idea of a verb definition of faith....that there is no one word? I don't see what's wrong with BELIEVE. Admittedly, believe is more than a head knowledge, and would include the word "trust". I'm not up on this "hire our boss" notion.

This is CrissCross's "argument:"

"What does it require of one for Jesus to be Lord of His life? You don't mention that unless he is Lord He can never be Savior."-CrossReference

i.e., "Lordship 'Salvation"" This is perverting the gospel of Christ, confusing the results of being justified, i.e., sanctification/"making Jesus," with the cause of justification. It is putting the proverbial cart before the horse.



Paul tells us that the Gospel itself is the power of God unto salvation. Meaning the power is not merely in the Good News. The power IS the Good News.

That has to mean that anyone who believes the Gospel gets saved -- not because there's any power or merit in one's belief but because of the power inherent in what is believed.

Would you agree with that much?

Right that the power "is' the good news. The good news is Jesus tore the curtain and paid the penalty for us to have relationship with God.

As for 'believing", That alone will do nothing. Believing, believer, and to believe are the mistranslation I was asking if you knew about. Pisteuo is a verb, "an action, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence." The specific action is according to the Vines Greek, "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." This surrender is continuous. Much different than belief, wouldn't you say?
I thought the way you were headed on this topic, we might share some common ground.
I may have made a mistake.


Well-known member
Are you familiar with problem that The English language doesn't have a corresponding verb for the noun Faith?

The Greek does. Using Strong's numbers, 4100 and 4102.

What's really the point here? You've granted that the Gospel of the grace of God, itself, "is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." That means whoever believes it is saved, according to Paul.

So what's the problem?

Cross Reference

New member
I'm not looking for someone to argue with. I'd just like to talk with the OP if that's ok?

I am not either. I asked you a question as to whether or not the modern English word for faith, being some other word, changes the message or any part of it, we have believed all our lives?


Well-known member
This is CrissCross's "argument:"

"What does it require of one for Jesus to be Lord of His life? You don't mention that unless he is Lord He can never be Savior."-CrossReference

i.e., "Lordship 'Salvation"" This is perverting the gospel of Christ, confusing the results of being justified, i.e., sanctification/"making Jesus," with the cause of justification. It is putting the proverbial cart before the horse.

"What does it require of one for Jesus to be Lord of His life?", certainly puts the onus on man, doesn't it? Man is always seeking a way to add himself to that of the ONE to whom all glory is given. I see it in Cross References posts all the time, but didn't know it was called Lordship Salvation.


The Greek does. Using Strong's numbers, 4100 and 4102.

What's really the point here? You've granted that the Gospel of the grace of God, itself, "is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." That means whoever believes it is saved, according to Paul.

So what's the problem?

Oh, your one of those. Still learning to read. Well if you ever get the hang of it and you can carry on an honest discussion, let me know.


Uh, whether one understands the meaning of the word faith or not doesn't matter, but that we experience it....believing unto salvation. We hear the word of truth and are persuaded by it. Gifted teachers have nothing to do with the Gospel being PREACHED. The word is preached by most every member of the body of Christ...thus faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Teachers have their place, but I'm not seeing it necessary for what you say here.

You will, i'm just carrying out the responsibility I have been given.