ECT Abide in Christ, or in sin


New member
We are not the house of Israel and can therefore not be the vineyard/the branches of the Vine. You are making MUD out of the two.

There is only One Vine= Christ, there is only One Olive tree= Israel, there is only One Root to that One natural Olive tree, which is Christ. If you do not belong to it,(which you don't by your own confession)then you have no life in you by not being connected to the Life of the Vine, or Root of the natural Olive tree.

Romans 11:13-24

13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:

14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.

17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;

18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in.

20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:

21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.

24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?


[Paul did not preach grace is given as a license to sin] Those who have trusted the Lord believing 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV are not identified as "unrighteous" as we have the righteousness of God upon us (Romans 3:21-22 KJV)...

If that's true,
you're living it (Ro 8:14). :dizzy:




] There is only One Vine= Christ, there is only One Olive tree= Israel, there is only One Root to that One natural Olive tree, which is Christ. If you do not belong to it,(which you don't by your own confession)then you have no life in you by not being connected to the Life of the Vine, or Root of the natural Olive tree.

The time of the grafted in branch is ending. :rapture: Make-believers aren't going in the rapture. Good luck in the tribulation.


There is no pre tribulation rapture...
:dizzy: Lk 21:36

Not all will sleep (1 Cor. 15:51; 1 Thess. 4:15, 17), dead in Christ will rise (1 Cor. 15:52; 1 Thess. 4:13, 14, 16), living to be transformed (1 Cor. 15:51–53), saints caught up (1 Thess. 4:16, 17). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 519). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.


New member
Is there going to be a tribulation?
2 actually, the first began for the Jews when AOD was set up in 70 ad. and the tribulation of "those days" runs the whole length of the "fullness of the Gentiles" period which is then marked by the 6th seal signs, then begins the wrath of God being poured out on the Nations. When the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, then ungodliness is to be removed from Jacob.

Romans 2:9
Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;


New member
Has he read the bible? :freak: Wrath is for God's enemies. 1 Thess 5:9

Many times over actually, how bout you?

Psalm 2:12
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Isaiah 54:8
In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer.


[Ps 2:12]
"The urgency of their submission is expressed by the suddenness of his wrath. It is not immediately clear whether this wrath is the Lord’s or the king’s. The nearest antecedent is the king (the son) who will smash opposition (Ps. 2:9). However, in the psalm the two persons are inseparable; a person serves the Lord (v. 11) by submitting to his son (v. 12). If the nations’ kings do not submit, the king will destroy them, because the Lord in angry opposition to their plans has decreed that His son will have the throne.

The final note of the psalm expresses blessing for those who take refuge in Him. (The thought of taking refuge in God occurs many times in the Pss.) Again, to submit to the son is to take refuge in the Lord’s anointed, and therefore in the Lord as well. Only in the son is there safety from the wrath of God." Ross, A. P. (1985). Psalms. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 792). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

[Is 58:4]
For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee [Isa. 54:7].

"In that day not only Israel, but all of us are going to look back at what we thought was terrible down here in this life, and it will seem as Paul described it “a light affliction, which is but for a moment.” And it will work for us an “exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” We need to get our eyes focused on things which are not seen rather than things that are seen (see 2 Cor. 4:17–18)." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Prophets (Isaiah 36-66) (electronic ed., Vol. 23, p. 124). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

"54:1–17 JERUSALEM: RESTORED AS A WIFE Israel was exhorted to “break forth into loud and joyful song” (54:1) for her punishment was past. Now the nation could anticipate blessing and prosperity. Israel’s rejection was necessary because of sin, but it was temporary because of God’s covenant promise. See Genesis 9:11 with reference to Isaiah 54:9. These verses await their complete fulfillment in the messianic kingdom (Isa. 54:11–17)." Hughes, R. B., & Laney, J. C. (2001). Tyndale concise Bible commentary (p. 267). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.


Well-known member
2 actually, the first began for the Jews when AOD was set up in 70 ad. and the tribulation of "those days" runs the whole length of the "fullness of the Gentiles" period which is then marked by the 6th seal signs, then begins the wrath of God being poured out on the Nations. When the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, then ungodliness is to be removed from Jacob.

Romans 2:9
Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

Sounds rather complicated!


New member
." Ross, A. P. (1985). Psalms. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 792). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

Huh? I guess others read the Bible for you? :)