Thinking about states...potential mottos...that sort of thing.
Arizona: where oven mitts are an automotive accessory.
Vermont: No, Mass. is that way.
Rhode Island: All the accent of Boston without the clutter of culture.
Indiana: the crossroads of America (or, a place you are passing through to actually go somewhere).
Minnesota: who needs the oceans when you've got 1000 lakes? (Everyone. Everyone needs the ocean).
South Dakota: where North Dakotans go in the winter.

Michigan: we used to sell cars.
Georgia: (looks at shoes)
Alabama: beach out front, mullet in the back
Mississippi: giving Alabamians a reason to still feel superior since 1865.
New York: show us your tats!
Louisiana: rookies...
Florida: Americas graveyard with a view.
Pennsylvania: you like chocolate? Football? Chocolate footballs? You're welcome.
Maryland: we've got crabs.
New Jersey: we feel you, Maryland.
Georgia: aka Waffle House (oh yeah, drive through and see).
California: mountains, beaches, and a Denny's every quarter mile by law.
Idaho: yes, we've heard the joke. Tell Montana it's still not funny.
Missouri: show me (where we are on a map).
Kentucky: where the horses are fast and genealogy is rocket science.
West Virginia: where teeth are family heirlooms.
Nevada: where craps isn't just a game, it's a lifestyle.
Oregon: especially in Portland.
Wyoming: why not?
Montana: have you heard the one about Idaho?
Wisconsin: like Minnesota, but with cheese.
More to's that sort of day.