An old song I wrote at...sixteen, seventeen...a lifetime ago. I still like the last verse.
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With overwhelming joy,
I barely recognise the woman I see
reflected in the mirror
Not quite a year later and I recognise myself even less. :chuckle:
...and yet, others, (like me), recognise you just the same!Of course, outsiders like me only pick up on certain things, but maybe those certain things were virtually unnoticeable to you before?
Look up above. Your experience is what I call listening to the smile of a friend.I work for a wage in what americans would term, a "grocery store".
One day not that long ago, there was an infant - no more than six months old - being taken round the store by his/her mother and we both caught sight of each other at the same moment. I smiled and instantly he/she smiled back. That smile honestly changed my life. There was such purity in that smile! No assessments, no judgements, no self-interest......just a whole hearted smile that was expressed more so by the eyes than the mouth.
I was so moved by this moment that I had to take my break early and get space and peace to think about why it had had such an effect on me. Then I realised that, quite spontaneously, a deep spiritual question that had been bothering, (maybe even tormenting me), had been resolved. The Hindu / Buddhist concept of "nothingness" or the "void" had always troubled me because I could not dis-associate the concept from dismal, bland, uneventful darkness. However, now I had experienced that "nothingness" as it truly is, in the eyes of that adorable infant. No assessment, no judgement, no pre-judgement, no self interest, just.........??? And that's the thing; I can't really find a word for what that was but it was heaven on earth.
Look up above. Your experience is what I call listening to the smile of a friend.
Often, it's those quiet little moments that most strongly exemplify the gift of being.I work for a wage in what americans would term, a "grocery store".
One day not that long ago, there was an infant - no more than six months old - being taken round the store by his/her mother and we both caught sight of each other at the same moment. I smiled and instantly he/she smiled back. That smile honestly changed my life. There was such purity in that smile! No assessments, no judgements, no self-interest......just a whole hearted smile that was expressed more so by the eyes than the mouth.
I was so moved by this moment that I had to take my break early and get space and peace to think about why it had had such an effect on me. Then I realised that, quite spontaneously, a deep spiritual question that had been bothering, (maybe even tormenting me), had been resolved. The Hindu / Buddhist concept of "nothingness" or the "void" had always troubled me because I could not dis-associate the concept from dismal, bland, uneventful darkness. However, now I had experienced that "nothingness" as it truly is, in the eyes of that adorable infant. No assessment, no judgement, no pre-judgement, no self interest, just.........??? And that's the thing; I can't really find a word for what that was but it was heaven on earth.
I didn't see anything good about myself yeah, I think you are right![]()
I work for a wage in what americans would term, a "grocery store".
One day not that long ago, there was an infant - no more than six months old - being taken round the store by his/her mother and we both caught sight of each other at the same moment. I smiled and instantly he/she smiled back. That smile honestly changed my life. There was such purity in that smile! No assessments, no judgements, no self-interest......just a whole hearted smile that was expressed more so by the eyes than the mouth.
I was so moved by this moment that I had to take my break early and get space and peace to think about why it had had such an effect on me. Then I realised that, quite spontaneously, a deep spiritual question that had been bothering, (maybe even tormenting me), had been resolved. The Hindu / Buddhist concept of "nothingness" or the "void" had always troubled me because I could not dis-associate the concept from dismal, bland, uneventful darkness. However, now I had experienced that "nothingness" as it truly is, in the eyes of that adorable infant. No assessment, no judgement, no pre-judgement, no self interest, just.........??? And that's the thing; I can't really find a word for what that was but it was heaven on earth.
My dear friend, I have heard your good through cyberspace!
I LOVE to see great big rough guys [brickies] with their small children...don't tell me there is no God.