erinmarie said:I wasn't picking on pre-schooling in general. There are people (single mothers, fathers, women and men with disabled spouses) who need to use daycare/preschools out of neccesity. I just think that it's wrong to send your children away from your home under the pretense that you can't have them around you all day long. Or because you're not a 'kid person'.
I think you are misunderstanding me a little bit. I know we can have them around all day, but I think they have a better experience being away some of the time. Their teachers are great (and more church-going than we are for what its worth), and when they get back we are better parents for having had the break (and the chance to work and interact with adults). When I say we are not kid people, I am just acknowledging that people are different - they parent in different ways. Some are all about their kids, including talking about nothing else, others are not. Many of my freinds would say I'm crazy if I say I am not a "kid person," it is not easy to catch me at the pub or skiing these days. I would lay on train tracks for my kids.
Children learn from multiple influences. I'm sure you're parenting is great, and I know stay at home moms and homeschoolers get out and socialize with others, but I come back to my comment about your example of missing your daughter make it through the night dry for the fist time because she was at Grandma's. Who is not to say that it was not something they did or said that made this happen? It may be that being around a different person made the difference. Obviously it would have eventually happened anyway, but it might have been a few more months.