On misc.education.home-school.christian, someone posted a question whether the good in homeschooling outweighs the bad in homeschooling. A friend of mine posted the following answer (posted here with her permission):
I agree with this one hundred percent. I think that many here will agree with her assessment on the situation, as well.
Homeschooling counteracts our modern compulsion to view
children as something even parents should try to avoid.
Anyone who homeschools or even talks about homeschooling
with others has heard someone (or many someones) say that
*they* could never spend all day with their children... they can't
hardly make it all the way through summer and see the start
of school in the fall as a sort of salvation.
Not to invoke Hillary's village, but the most "natural" environment
for children is not confined in a creche with their age-mates. It
is as part of a community or extended family with adults of all
ages as well as other children of all ages. Age-segregation is
unnatural. God (or if you'd prefer... nature) did not make us to
have litters, after all, but to have (mostly) single births separated
by a year or two or longer.
There are difficulties caused by the fact that our modern culture
tends to lead to isolation. Many of us simply don't have any
sort of extended support network, combine that with only one
or two children and many people have neither the multiple ages
of adults or the multiple ages of children in their immediate
"community". That is true no matter what educational choices
those parents make and is not a problem of homeschooling but
a problem of our culture.
And I will say that it is very hard for some people to be at home
all day every day with very small children. Some ladies just
*love* babies while others of us simply aren't "baby" people.
This is *also* not a problem of homeschooling because by the
time children head off to kindergarten or 1st grade they aren't
babies anymore. "Finally" getting them into school may seem
like a reprieve to us "non-baby" sorts but it's really not, because
the reprieve is that they aren't toddlers any longer. (Frankly,
God made toddlers extra cute so they'd survive to age five.)
I agree with this one hundred percent. I think that many here will agree with her assessment on the situation, as well.