Christendom, thanks for the heads up on your post...
Christendom, thanks for the heads up on your post...
No Christendom, you are wrong, I DO COMPLETELY AGREE WITH GARY on the meaning of "this generation." I'll explain:
Christendom: It was obvious that Bob was leading Gary on by agreeing with Gary that "this generation, meant this generation". But it was obvious to Gary, myself, and anyone else who paid enough attention that Bob really does not agree with Gary on "this generation". ... Bob would of added something like: This generation means the "Jews" as a race of people... [etc.]
No. I'm not sure how much more explicity I can get than I was on the show. Jesus was referring to the people alive when He was speaking. More explicit? At that time, the Lord was about 33 years old, and life expectancy was less than 60 years old, and by reason of strength some might live into their 90s, etc. So, as Jesus looked at His disciples and made that statement, He was referring to the individuals who were alive then, as "this generation," and He stated clearly "this generation" would not pass until all His end times prophecies were fulfilled. Thus, the Lord's meant what he said, a generation. That does NOT mean an ethnicity or a race, nor a religious sect. The word generation (in this kind of context) means a human generation, that is, a duration that typically implies the span in years of parent to child, but could be shortened or expanded by some small percentage due to the inexact nature of the phrase, i.e., somewhere around 20 years, 40 years, etc., but there would be boundaries such that the phrase would not refer to 5 days, or 2000 years. However, Jesus didn't say, "I will return in one generation," but rather, "this generation shall not pass" until His end times prophecies were fulfilled. So, that means, in a short time, a period of years, but NOT many decades. Is that explicit enough Christendom? So, the Lord said of the people who were alive at the time of His ministry, that before they died out, His end times prophecies would be fulfilled.
Whew. So, no Christendom, I was not leading Gary on or using some debate tactic. But some people have a hard time seeing outside of the box they've put themselves in, that they have a hard time understanding someone with a different position.
I'll leave it there since I have to get home to my family! (I'm still at the BEL Cabin.) If you want to take it to the next step with me (beleive me we have a TON of biblical material to bring to our position [but of course, that doesn't mean we are right, since we could be twisting that material]), you can either encourage Gary to debate me in a full Battle Royale on dispensationalism vs. covenant theology right here at TOL (that'd be fun!), or, you can read my manuscript The Plot, or listen to my album, The Last Days (on audio tape), or listen to our Book of Revelation series (on MP3 CDs).
Thanks for writing!
-Bob Enyart