The Big Take-Back – Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview
The Big Take-Back Posted on June 5, 2022 Listen in to America’s most attractive audio engineer and the host with whom she kept her 3 kids, and never gave the creeps and bastards a chance to take ’em! Join us in thanking Kirk Cameron & promoting his Homeschool Awakening movie and cultural event! Buy tickets and find out why we home-schooled ours, and how you can home-school yours! Follow us through Tiananmen Square 33 years on, to communists bribing RE-publican governor Kristi Noem’s children with government cheese, to a church parking lot in Iowa where mass murder is just a part of the scenery. We’ll visit San Francisco and step over the human feces to bring you a preview of the Recall Effort against Chesa Boudin. And over to Waukesha where the surviving victims of the Christmas Parade Massacre are being traumatized all over again by the Just-a-System. And finally through Ohio and Texas, where two murderers, (one convicted and one indicted) were allowed to live free enough and long enough to kill again. The American Secretary of State is Blinkin’, Tony Blinken that is; and he’s bending over whichever way the perverts running him ask. The United States Marine Corps is one degree closer to Sodom, (but still with a little fight left in them). And Americans who thought they had “no problem with gay rights” are finding out that unless they submit, it is a problem. The Ukrainian military in on the verge of queering right into the E.U. The man who shot the president will be touring freely this summer, and America might just end up in a war because no one ever wants us to know who really killed Seth Rich! All that plus Sheryl Sandberg’s abortion, lying to the FBI, (and getting away with it), how to Make America Great Again, and a dog story just to make sure you tune in. DOWNLOAD THIS WEEKS CONSERVATIVE TALK HERE! THE BIG TAKE-BACK.MP3 |