I[SIZE="4"[FONT="Georgia"]]s it about "luck" Patrick? My understanding of Scripture, is that our life is ordained-already planned, by God. Not luck.
And can you offer Scripture to validate your very serious declaration of " Those scriptures were to Israel only."? Thank You brother.
Patrick, I will zero in on Revelation 14:9-11 . Is it your understanding this very severe warning is for Israel exclusively ?
I want to ask that you consider the following Words ( and vision ) given to the Apostle John:
Revelation 13:16 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
This apply s to every human capable of making a decision when this critical time arrives. It is not exclusive to the Jews or those in Israel. AS this Mark-number, is global.
Here is the absolute proof, this is for every human being:
Revelation 13:7 - And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Patrick perhaps you simply missed the intent of the original OP. I hope this helps clarify that the global system of governing,
( the U.N. ?) , incorporates a number that identify s all humans. And less one has this number, your broke financially. This will occur to Gods people.
Unless as some believe a " rapture" occurs. Which is possible. But it is better to prepare our lives and hearts for the worse. Just in case it does not happen.
And this " Mark-number, may be a chip under the skin, a smart card, a phone app, as is being used in India. Called the Adahar project. One is first identifyed by a Government approved set of rules, then all ten finger and entire hand prints, and your Iris' are scanned, and permanently stored into the Government data base. Using your Government approved phone, you log in ( using a finger and or Iris scan, to your phone, and then conduct business. So far about 1 BILLION people have this in India.
My objective is simply to use these examples as possibilities . But guaranteed brother, it is a mark-number that one will choose to get, ( choose-not forced, see below ) , and without it no human can buy an apple or sell one. Hey no doubt for awhile, an under ground economy will root. But it will not last as Gods words will take place.
" Chooses due to a cause" : Revelation 13:16 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
The [B]cause[/B], my family, home, children, no food, ET. And many in the church will justify and convince others to submit to the Government. Not God.
Blessings Patrick.
I don't know why my font gets bold and small and large. I have to figure this out.