Emergencies Real & Imagined – Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview
Emergencies Real & Imagined Posted on May 2, 2021 Join America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host as they sort out what to fear. We’ll begin with space aliens and national security vs the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and Taiwan, and then check in with the COVID panic machine now operating primarily out of India, via the plausibly criminally liable, and undeniably power drunk Anthony Fauci. John Kerry is now twice a traitor against America. California is using “emergency regulations” to once again release tens of thousands of criminals upon her citizens while ignoring ANTIFA’s plans to actually kill innocent people. And in Minneapolis: Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, (who should have been shot dead as he lit the police station on fire), instead made a deal with prosecutors by which he will basically get away with it. But there remain a few men in the land who will not sit by helplessly as the insurrection rages. Punk Rock met Heathen Rock to express their unrepentant annoyance at the destruction they themselves wrought against the civilization they now see collapsing. Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s paperwork is just about in order so Justin Trudeau’s Gestapo can begin the show trial. While in the formerly Great Britain reading the Bible aloud is now a criminal offense. The return to “normal” continues as we all absorb more massacres and see police officers murdered left, right, & center. All this and ANTIFA at Cinco de Mayo, liberals on the Supreme Court, vaccine bullying, the Sandinista raid on Rudy Giuliani, and examining our likely misguided perceptions of comfort, obligation, entertainment, leisure & sin. DOWNLOAD THIS WEEK’S CONSERVATIVE TALK HERE! TITLED: EMERGENCIES REAL AND IMAGINED– MP3 |