The Law identified Israel as God's people. T this very day, when you see someone in black, with the locks and all the rest, walking about on a Friday, you know what about them - that they are "peculiar."
Thank you for replying with so much from the Bible.
I am a difficult person, probably slower than average. As I read those passages, I kept thinking about how many ways they have been interpreted and the different ways even key words in each one can be meant.
Long before Moses brought the law, God made a covenant with Abraham that involved so little. There were no 10 commandments, only circumcision as a sign. Were they not identified with as God's people, even while there was no law?
I agree that following the law makes you a Jew by tradition, but does it make you child of Abraham? Does it make you a child of God. And I am sure you agree it does not, and it never could on its own unless you were able to truly keep it.
And now we have the law as a lesson to the power of Grace. Paul revealed it to us, and God made us dead to it thanks to Jesus.
So I do not follow the conclusion that the law is needed to mark you as God's people when for hundreds of years before it there were Gods people, and today there are billions who are dead to it.
I do not understand it's part in the future as it relates to
God's people. (The only thing I can see us using it for is to judge others who are still under it.)
If God's people do not need it, if they can be identified as his people without it, why would his people return to it in the future? I do not assume there is no answer, I just want/hope the answer to make(s) sense to me.