Danoh covered it well, so i'll summarize
it's only a disorder when it impairs their ability to operate successfully
considering that trump successfully won the election and is successfully transitioning to his new role, it's not a disorder
You remain ever clueless.
One would think a so called "well informed" Native American such as you purport being, would recognize in Trump the very over blown megalomania that cost Custer his and his men's lives that very avoidable day...
No; Trump is far from the first major individual in the spotlight and or leader in history who's severely disordered personality was concluded by some within the masses as o so peachy.
There is a huge world of difference between arrogance actual strength.
But far too many erroneously conclude arrogance is a positive sign of actual strength.
Recent case in point - Former UFC Fighter: The once great, Ronda Rousey.
As she literally plowed thru opponent after opponent, she was for a time on a winning streak that caused many to conclude she was not only unstoppable; but right to go around behaving as if God was forever patting Himself on the back for bringing her into the world.
She became a huge, huge, huge star; her fans ever excusing her every vile mistreatment of anyone who did not meet her standard of why she was o so wonderful.
The more objective individuals repeatedly warned her she was headed for her own self-inflicted demise.
Not surprisingly, she took "great personal umbrage" to that - as all over-inflated sense of self individual's do.
(In this, it is no surprise she and Trump were at odds with one another - over blown narcissism does not mix well with its' own kind).
When she fell; she not only fell hard; but completely freaked out.
She has yet to recover from that fall almost three years later.
She fell because her opponent had been able to see she was stuck in her own self-delusion; refusing to listen to anyone who in her warped mind was not really giving her much needed feedback but was instead pointing out things the press might have a field day with.
A year later, she came back with the exact same style of figting that cost her her glory.
Again, she was devestatingly humiliated.
Not surprisingly, her many fans continue to rationalize their fallen false idol's fall, to this very day.
That right there is where Trump is dangerous.
Narcissism that overblown is simply incapable of outside feedback that said individual is severly off course.
Hitler at the height of his power taking great issue with his General's attempts to point out to him his delusions were costing Nazi Germany's war effort.
Fortunately, because he had the power of life and death over his Generals, together with his having basically shut down all of Germany's free press; he continued on his merry; greatly self-deluded way; and lost the war, and we're all better off the little Trump who'd thought he could...could not.
It will continue to be interesting seeing how far Trump gets...
More so, as with the Adversary and his cronies are depicted in Scripture, how Trump continues to trump himself to his own self-inflicted demise.
His is the very same exact overblown narcissism that not only eventually allowed law enforcement to finally bring to justice the late Mob Godfather: John Gotti- by Gotti's own self-inflicted fall - but the very same exact overblown narcissism that saw Gotti in prison; still bragging to one and all not only how he had outwitted law enforcement, but how Cosa Nostra would never be the same without him.
Lol - he was in prison for life, and yet even that obvious reality had been unable to pierce past his massive need to preen.
What characters overblown narcissists and their willful lemmings...ever are....