You can take it however you please for all I care. I don't see this issue as anything less than a complex, nuanced, less-than-clean-cut tragedy, and there aren't any bite-size answers in my book that can answer the issues raised. This ain't Sesame Street.
Did anyone suggest that it is *Sesame Street*?
Did anyone suggest that it is not complex or a tragedy?
On the other hand, some have suggested that one can only care about the mother by supporting her decision to intentionally kill her unborn baby.
The standout reason to be against abortion is because it intentionally kills an unborn baby. There is ALWAYS a victim.
Does one person's circumstance make the aborted child less of a victim?
Can a LIVING rape victim receive support and maintain life AFTER her rape?
Can an aborted baby receive support or maintain life AFTER his/her abortion?
Is abortion always permanent?
IF the mother feels guilty about the abortion, is it possible for her to take back her actions?
IF a mother gives birth and doesn't feel she can love or raise the child, does she have other options?