10 Vaccines That Saved The World

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I always find it dubious when there is a movement encouraging others to load themselves up with junk, physical or otherwise.

The fact is that if you are vaccinated, along with the super majority of society than guess what?
Exactly :rolleyes:

A much exaggerated concern. If you care so much about society, why not help the man under the bridge?


Well-known member
TEN in each group? Are you so unaware of the 100 000 child studies, of which there are many by all sorts of different interest groups, and independents? NONE has found the sorts of issues you claim.

Despite your claim, NO amount of studies would convince you. The studies have been done - if you don't trust them, pick a representative sample of them and identify the specific problems with them. All else is just uninformed posturing.

Yet who pays for these studies! And you could possibly be uninformed as well seeing most studies are payed for by these vaccine makers. The comparative studies have been done by many and are out there for you to do the same, so we trust who we will on the issue and time will prove who is right and why it's not a good practice to put vaccines in newborn infants or adults unless you need a steady supply junkies to sell you're toxins to.


New member
Yet who pays for these studies!
The US government paid, as it happens, for the 100 000 child study I mentioned.

From the paper that I referred to, Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism published in JAMA:
"Funding/Support: This project was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, and the US Department of Health and Human Services under contract HHSN-271-2010-00033-C."

And you could possibly be uninformed as well seeing most studies are payed for by these vaccine makers.
Nope, the US government paid.

The comparative studies have been done by many and are out there for you to do the same, so we trust who we will on the issue and time will prove who is right and why it's not a good practice to put vaccines in newborn infants or adults unless you need a steady supply junkies to sell you're toxins to.
Do you have links to peer reviewed paper to support your assertions? Do you have a study that has the reliability of the ultra large one I linked to? Any that haven't been withdrawn like the original MMR scare-paper?

Zeke — you focus on scare stories and avoid actual evidence. Come on, front up and share the links.


Well-known member
The US government paid, as it happens, for the 100 000 child study I mentioned.

From the paper that I referred to, Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism published in JAMA:
"Funding/Support: This project was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, and the US Department of Health and Human Services under contract HHSN-271-2010-00033-C."

Nope, the US government paid.

Do you have links to peer reviewed paper to support your assertions? Do you have a study that has the reliability of the ultra large one I linked to? Any that haven't been withdrawn like the original MMR scare-paper?

Zeke — you focus on scare stories and avoid actual evidence. Come on, front up and share the links.

Who do you think the corporate government consist of? all these studies you embrace are slanted toward the drug companies that lobby the political whores you trust, The Vaxxed Documentary shows and exposes the corruption going on in the industry you embrace.


New member
So the government paid, and the paying public authorities asked for no influence over the paper, yet you think that your claim that they were paid for by the pharma companies still stands? You are off your trolly.

Yet who pays for these studies! And you could possibly be uninformed as well seeing most studies are payed for by these vaccine makers. The comparative studies have been done by many and are out there for you to do the same, ….
And yet still you cannot provide the papers you are claiming to refer to. Either they do not exist or you have never read them and are only convinced they exist because you are already convinced that you are right and so they MUST exist. Bonkers.


New member
The problem with conspiracy theorists is that you can't convince them with facts. Any evidence against them makes them dig in more on their beliefs. Here it seems that evidence for vaccines causing autism is evidence for zeke but evidence against it is just more evidence of a conspiracy against people like zeke.

There is literally no evidence that could possibly exist that will convince someone like that. They're in their own little bubble in which all evidence will somehow reinforce their beliefs no matter what that evidence is.

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Well-known member
Or! The real stupor could be with those hypnotized to believe without question.

Conspiracy is a trigger word that tries to discredit and demean those who still have some common sense left between their ears. The remarks of those like Huxley and many others who were in the know and part of the plan to control the populace where just kidding after all about using drugs to brain wash people into loving their servitude, and their kissing cousin the Stockholm syndrome.

Looks like we have some qualified candidates right here defending the beast.

Dr John Ioannidis: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False, 2013 Harvard Study titled: Institutional Corruption Of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs, Yada, Yada, etc..........


New member
Typical paranoid thinking. All evidence reinforces your preconceived ideas, no matter what that evidence is.

Published research says something bad about vaccines = unbiased evidence vaccines are all evil!
Published research says something good about vaccines = evidence of government / big pharma / illuminati corruption, collusion and conspiracy.

With logic like that you can prove anything ;)

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New member
10 deceptions is more like it.

Now you have bumped this thread, I am reminded of my earlier question to you after you mentioned some weak and tiny research:
"Are you so unaware of the 100 000 child studies, of which there are many by all sorts of different interest groups, and independents?"

Do you have any comment?

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Greatest poster ever
"[V]accines reduce the ability of pathogen populations to accumulate genetic variation by working preventatively — that is, they prevent a germ from invading the human body and multiplying to a degree that causes illness. Medications like antibiotics, on the other hand, are usually given only after a germ has invaded and proliferated. Every time a pathogen reproduces, it's another chance for random mutation to occur and potentially produce genetic variants that resist our medical interventions. The fact that vaccines keep pathogen populations small, and hence genetic variation low, at the time when the bugs are coming into contact with the effects of the vaccine (i.e., a well-prepared host immune system) helps slow the evolution of resistance to vaccines." -- https://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/news/180516_vaccines
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