Notice: godrulz did not say God cannot, but does not.
No, William, the Holy Spirit is God, He is not a "thing" as you suggest.
Fruit of the Spirit. Contrary to what you think, Jesus is God.
Since God has not sinned from eternity past and will never sin into eternity future, the end result is the same. God cannot sin or will not sin. He is sinless and will always be sinless. He is personal and has a mind and will, but always conforms this to holiness, truth, righteousness, love.
The impeccability of Christ is a similar debate.
I said the fruit is a thing, not the Spirit. You know I am trinitarian and fully affirm the Deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Since you cannot even represent my view on the Godhead, why should anyone trust your opinion on my views of sanctification?
Does love have any volitional element? You are so paranoid about volition, choice, obedience (you wrongly think it must be self-righteous negating freedom and responsibility in the process) that you cannot make sense of basic concepts.
Rom. 6:16 our obedience (our will) leads to is also possible to disobey or live selfishly vs in love leading to death (selfishness is volitional and opposite of love which is also volitional...God choses to love; He is not just metaphysically 'Love' like Christian Scientists teach).
Jn. 14:21 Only the ones who obey Jesus with their wills love is not just a passive fruit.
I Jn. 2:17 Doing the will of God leads to living forever...this is volitional, not just parroting ideas.
Do you love your wife and kids? Can an atheist without the life of Christ love theirs?
Rev. 21:8 Unbelieving go to lake of fire...clearly, someone can be a genuine believer for many years...just because they fall away and no longer believe does not mean they were never believers; it means they are no longer believers; to say OSAS, contradicts the fact that unbelievers are not believers and are condemned like any other unbeliever...they love Self, not God, just like their pre-conversion state.
Jn. 15:1-6 affirms the importance of continuing to love and abide in Him. The Vine is Christ, not the Church. True believers can be cut off if they cut themselves off from the Son, in whom alone is Life. You think life is unconditionally given to a person who can then reject the Son later and still have eternal life? Forfeiture happens if cut off and thrown in the fire.
Shank: Let us accept at face value our Savior's grave and loving warning that it is indeed possible for us to forfeit eternal life by failing to abide in Him 'who is our life'.
"Throughout his earthly sojourn, the relation of the individual to Christ is never a static relationship existing as an irrevocable consequence of a PAST decision (rulz- that is no longer true for apostates!), act, or experience. Rather, it is a present mutual indwelling of the believer and the Savior, the sharing of a common LIFE which emanates from Him 'who is our life' (Col. 3:4). For the believer, it is a living participation procedding upon a living faith (not one that reverts to godless unbelief -rulz) in a living Savior. The principle is reduced to its simplest statement in the words of Jesus, 'Abide in me, and I in you.' Jn. 15:4 "
What happens when we do not continue to abide in Him (present, continuous tenses)? We are cut off from the Vine (Christ) and His life and thrown in the fire (death and separation). I Jn. 5:11-13 (remain in the Son, not go back to your vomit or the pigpen/Peter).
2 Peter 1:3-11 notice how love can be possessed in ever increasing can also wane or be forsaken (Rev. 2:4 it is not just automatic fruit of the Spirit in a passive way, or Paul and Jesus would not have to urge love for God and others rather than self and world...both are possible for a believer).
2 Peter 1:9 If you do not have these things, you forget that PAST (not your future sin doctrine; give me a proof text about forgiven future sins before they happen) sins have been forgiven.
I Jn. has principles and exhortations about believers loving one another. You are evidence of a believer hating other believers, contrary to a claim to love God. To love God vertically is tested in our love for others horizontally.