Hell no.Tambora,
Are asking me out?
You were taught by a man, with a gun built by a man, to impress and be with a man.
Funny how you all just can't come to terms with the reality around you- instead you go on excuses and irrelevance.
I'm surprised Queen Elizabeth hasn't bee brought up yet, as it's one of the most used arguments of feminists- that's the only thing that isn't otherwise resoundingly typical of the discussion![]()
Number 1:
Women hold no intrinsic moral direction in and of themselves.
1. The bible treats women as empty morally
First example is Eve. It didn't really matter to her whether she ate the forbidden fruit or not. It was the serpant that put the idea across to her. She didn't care one way or the other.
Here is what is going to happen to the cat house gang, (you girls)-
The Lord is going to send the Pope and Mohomad and a couple of Dictators to straighten things out.
First: women's voting is going to be out.
Second: women must only be allowed to earn minimum wage.
Third: freedom of speech for women is denied.
Later the bad stuff
All cat houses will be closed, ie phony churches
No women sitting judges
No women jurors
The only things women will be allowed to do is washing dishes. Maid service. Laundry. You know, things that women can actually do in a competent manner.
But under no circumstances are women to be allowed to be scene in public. Unless of course they wear shrouds.
Needless to say all women preachers like Methodists will be outlawed.
You speak like an inferior. Maybe you should cover your face and wear longer skirts?