10 reasons why men are superior

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Number 1:

Women hold no intrinsic moral direction in and of themselves.


1. The bible treats women as empty morally

First example is Eve. It didn't really matter to her whether she ate the forbidden fruit or not. It was the serpant that put the idea across to her. She didn't care one way or the other.

2. Lions and tigers

Second example. In the animal kingdom all a dominant male has to do to control the female is to continue his dominance over the other males. The female has no moral attachment. The relationship between male and female in the animal kingdom depends on the male remaining dominant. When the dominant male loses his position the female is lost along with the former dominant male's position in nature.

3. Child bearing and or motherhood

Women are totally incapable of raising male children. Woman raised males are always juvi's.


Well-known member
Number 1:

Women hold no intrinsic moral direction in and of themselves.


1. The bible treats women as empty morally

First example is Eve. It didn't really matter to her whether she ate the forbidden fruit or not. It was the serpant that put the idea across to her. She didn't care one way or the other.

2. Lions and tigers

Second example. In the animal kingdom all a dominant male has to do to control the female is to continue his dominance over the other males. The female has no moral attachment. The relationship between male and female in the animal kingdom depends on the male remaining dominant. When the dominant male loses his position the female is lost along with the former dominant male's position in nature.

3. Child bearing and or motherhood

Women are totally incapable of raising male children. Woman raised males are always juvi's.



Proof number 2:


(Most women avoid the moral question as the posters here have shown nicely but it had to be put out there as it is sort of a religious issue.)

Probably everyone posting in this, present company excluded, are closet Hillary voters.

Now just where does Hillary get her moral outlook from?

One word-

Barrak Obama!


Why does Hillary get her moral political outlook from Barebutt Obama?

Because he is the dominant male in the political arena right now. It use to be Bill but no more. See point about Tigers and Lions in original post.


Well-known member
Number 1:

Women hold no intrinsic moral direction in and of themselves.


1. The bible treats women as empty morally

First example is Eve. It didn't really matter to her whether she ate the forbidden fruit or not. It was the serpant that put the idea across to her. She didn't care one way or the other.

2. Lions and tigers

Second example. In the animal kingdom all a dominant male has to do to control the female is to continue his dominance over the other males. The female has no moral attachment. The relationship between male and female in the animal kingdom depends on the male remaining dominant. When the dominant male loses his position the female is lost along with the former dominant male's position in nature.

3. Child bearing and or motherhood

Women are totally incapable of raising male children. Woman raised males are always juvi's.

Is that you?


It is true that female life expectancy is longer then that of men. It is artificial. In the wild males out live females.


Well-known member
Number 1:

Women hold no intrinsic moral direction in and of themselves.


1. The bible treats women as empty morally

First example is Eve. It didn't really matter to her whether she ate the forbidden fruit or not. It was the serpant that put the idea across to her. She didn't care one way or the other.

Eve was perfectly willing to obey until the serpent accused God of lying.

2. Lions and tigers

Second example. In the animal kingdom all a dominant male has to do to control the female is to continue his dominance over the other males. The female has no moral attachment. The relationship between male and female in the animal kingdom depends on the male remaining dominant. When the dominant male loses his position the female is lost along with the former dominant male's position in nature.

Animals don't form "moral" attachments.

3. Child bearing and or motherhood

Women are totally incapable of raising male children. Woman raised males are always juvi's.

But women are left "holding the bag" when "dad" takes off leaving her with his share of the responsibilities.



New member
Women hold no intrinsic moral direction in and of themselves.

Is that why Paul said that in the spiritual realm there is no gender difference?

Why is gender irrelevant? Jesus explains.

Jesus answered and said to them, "The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, but those who are counted worthy to attain that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage, nor can they die anymore for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection." (Luke 20:34-36)​

"The flesh profits nothing." (Jesus)


like marbles on glass
Proof number 2:


(Most women avoid the moral question as the posters here have shown nicely but it had to be put out there as it is sort of a religious issue.)

Probably everyone posting in this, present company excluded, are closet Hillary voters.

Now just where does Hillary get her moral outlook from?

One word-

Barrak Obama!

Are you making this up as you go along?
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