1, Rom 11 is prodding not prediction
Romans 11 is both prediction and prodding.
It affirms God's declarations that He will restore the children of Israel to their place as His chosen people and warns Gentiles that they are not to gloat over the fall of the children of Israel.
2, Gal 3:17 is the true RT issue
I don't know what you mean by "the true RT issue".
God's covenants are unchangeable and eternal.
Adding a new covenant does not replace an older covenant, nor can a new covenant subtract from an older covenant.
The new covenant only adds to the older covenant.
3, Isaiah shifts Davidic promises; it is not a recent or even a Paul idea
Maybe you should explain what you mean by "Isaiah shifts Davidic promices".
4, Acts 26 shapes Israel's outcome
No, Acts 26 is too late to shape Israel's outcome.
Israel's outcome was shaped when the 490 year prophecy ended right before Cornelius was chosen to be the first Gentile convert in Acts 10.
5, The "people" of Mt 21 are Christians
I assume you are referring to the statement, "we fear the people; for all hold John as a prophet."
The people are not Christians, they were Jews who believed the Messiah (Christ) was going to come.
6, Rom 2 is about both Jew and Gentile on the day of judgement
Romans 2 is more of a warning against thinking your destiny will be a good one in the Judgment when your life now is not righteous.
7, 2 Pet 3 is the best passage on the future
Claiming any passage is "the best" is an opinion.
I think Zechariah 14 is better.
8, NT eschatology does not mix 1st century Judean events with future worldwide day of judgement
I am not sure what you mean by "future worldwide day of judgment".
Are you referring to the Dispensationalist eschatological view of a seven year Tribulation period?
The 490 year prophecy of Daniel 9 ended before the events in Acts 10.
The fleeing of the believers to Pella in 66 CE, followed by the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE fulfilled many of the prophecies from the Olivet Discourse.
The great tribulation Jesus spoke of in the Olivet Discourse is the exile of the children of Israel from the land of promise, known as the Diaspora, which is still in effect.
9, the apostles spent their time expounding Ps 2, 16, 110, not Ps 83
I suppose you think you have a point there, but what it might be is not clear at all.
10, "saved" in Rom 11 is justification from our debt of sin, not a future theocracy for Israel
God's promises to the children of Israel will be fulfilled at the return of the Messiah and the kingdom described in Ezekiel 40-48 will be the kingdom from Zechariah 14.