1 Thessalonians 4:17 Is Caught Up the same as Raptured?


New member
Fair enough. Israel is back in the land and the age of the Gentiles may be coming to a close, about twenty years ago. And there may be a Millenial Reign of Christ on Earth. Jews may rule and reign with Christ, while Gentile believers may be caught up in the rapture. Just some teachings that may be incorrect. As for the rapture and heaven and earth and hell people go to heaven when they die but not their body which will be resurrected and reunited with the spirit or self who that went to heaven upon death. But if we read the words of Scripture we can just accept them.

Yep, all that is definitely your MISUNDERSTANDING of Dispensationalism.

You've proven my very point.

2 Timothy 2:15.


Yep, all that is definitely your MISUNDERSTANDING of Dispensationalism.

You've proven my very point.

2 Timothy 2:15.

Maybe it is a version of dispensationalism. In any case, it has left me sufficiently confused.