Actually, what it is, is an example of just how stupid a lot of people are.This is a huge battle for the heart and soul of our nation. Thanks for taking a stand!
First, the anti-abortion crowd foolishly thinks that if they shout their anti-abortion message via megaphones at the building in which they believe abortions are taking place, that somehow the message will 'convert' someone inside to their view, or that somehow the annoyance will drive the clinic away, or will drive the neighbors to drive the clinic away. It's an idiotically rude and ineffective tactic that's more likely to turn people against them and their cause than it is to turn anyone in favor it.
Then, as rude and stupid as this audio assault is, the other side decides to do the same thing, in response. So they start blasting their anti anti-abortion messages at the same time, over loud speakers. And because they aren't doing it to promote abortion, but only to counter the anti-abortion people's rudeness, they blast anti-fundamentalist Christian messages (about human evolution). So that now, the abortion battle isn't even about abortion, anymore, but has become anti-religious. Which is also more likely to turn people against them for both the noise AND the message.
So we have two groups of idiots, both using rude noise-making mechanisms to try and out-shout each other, annoying both themselves and everyone around them, likely causing the exact opposite effect to what they want. It's really just layers of ego-driven stupidity on top of yet more ego-driven stupidity. The only effect of which is to further entrench everyone encountering this fiasco in their current position on abortion, while annoying a whole bunch of people that have nothing to do with any of it.
You know you're dealing with true idiots when they think the way to win an argument is to shout louder than anyone who dares to disagree with them.