I love Twitter. Lookie what I found:
Didn't want Chelsea marrying one of them thar' Negroes
I love Twitter. Lookie what I found:
Didn't want Chelsea marrying one of them thar' Negroes
No. Because Hillary didn't say anything damning in the video. It's useless for the purposes of the OP.
We're talking about the birther conspiracy, not the Muslim conspiracy.
They're related, but they're not interchangeable.
That's okay, because Hillary used both of them. She started birtherism and she used Islamism. But of course, Trump is the problem, right? LOL.
Hashtag #HRCOriginalBirther https://twitter.com/hashtag/hrcoriginalbirther?f=tweets&vertical=default&src=hash
I suppose CC is searching frantically right now for a marginally applicable meme...
I like all kinds of forums. I have been in Left to Right, Protestant to Catholic, across the spectrum. I enjoy it. What do you care.Were you active in far right online forums in 2008?
Frantically? Twitter and Facebook are overflowing with them. Face it, you have chosen evil over good. Live with it.
I like all kinds of forums. I have been in Left to Right, Protestant to Catholic, across the spectrum. I enjoy it. What do you care.
That's not much of an argument to refute what I've said about the far right and birtherism. Frankly, I know you can't refute it.
Were you active in far right forums in 2008? It's a simple question. I don't care about the other forums.
All you have done is try to avoid the thread topic and throw the blame elsewhere, just like Hillary does with all her crimes. Its really sad. Evil has really got its claws into you. Thats too bad.
I gave you my answer. If you don't like it then move on. This ain't a court and you ain't no judge. You're just a liar who supports a criminal baby-killer. Don't pretend you're anything more that that.
"I like all kinds of forums. I have been in Left to Right, Protestant to Catholic, across the spectrum. I enjoy it. What do you care."
Oh, by the way, thank you for keeping my thread bumped up. You're good for that. :up:
Here it is folks: Loser Chris Matthews talking about how Hillary played the birther card, before the term "birther" was coined of course .
Where is the birther card? At most it was Bob Kerrey being coy about the Muslim issue.
And its her defending him.
Typical. You post an article that contradicts the spoken words on video. Factcheck.org has shown itself many many times to be anything BUT factual.