One of the things that's funny about that is my suggesting your posit should bring your sobriety into question is a "new low" while your using "ignorant lowlife" is pretty much business as usual.Wow. That's a new low, and that's saying a lot for an ignorant lowlife like you.
No. It was by an large that you thought the whole rape/ridiculous question was a reasonable way to illustrate your point that did that.So, I believe in law enforcement, and in protecting our border as is called for by law, and I illustrate how racism has no part in this, and you conclude that I am drunk.
Sadly, not even in the top 10, let alone a "new low" for you...maybe if you tried for something with height on it now and again?Well, I guess that's the last refuge for a pathetic Cretin such as you.
I made a couple already. You just missed them...which is funny.Got not argument to make?
In order, you missed the point and the joke, and who ended anything? Also, you think your rhetorical contributions could be classified as discussion?Call the other guy drunk and end the discussion.
Seriously, just the least bit of elevation. Because as it sits there's just this huge myopic low stew with the odd bubble.Goodbye McFly, go smoke some more crack.