İ'm a 18 year old know-it-all Muslim. Ask me anything!


New member
God does not do mistakes and He would not command righteousness knowing fully that we are incapable of it . The law is God's way and I won't accept a change in God's way.

It does no good for me to rationalise a change in God's ways

That would be true if you were speaking of the One True God of Israel.
Our God did not command His people to do what they were incapable of. "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." Deuteronomy 30:11 The Law is God's Way but His people were too disobedient to the point of the breaking of His Covenant. God has given us a New Covenant in the gift of His Son, Yeshua. It is by His death for the atonement of our sin that we receive salvation if we remain in Him. (John 15:1-6) How do we remain in Him?...by following the leading of the Ruach in obedience to God's Will. Does that encompass all 613 laws? Much of those were fulfilled in Yeshua. The two that must be obeyed are those which sum up the Law and the Prophets. "One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, 'What commandment is the foremost of all?' Jesus answered, 'The foremost is, "HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD; AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH." The second is this, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." There is no other commandment greater than these.' "


Well-known member
I'm not an Indian and I don't understand Hindi or Urdu

Yes,at first I thought to speak Gujarati and say,,"namatse,kem cho?,,,maaru naam whitestone,tamne maline anand thayio,,but then you used the word of "earth" when you gave your location when you joined and then so it was difficult to determine if you were from Turkey or Syria,Iraq ect.,,,


New member
pagan moon god? meteoric rock? Talk about crazy

Yeah, well that's Islam. :idunno:
As I have stated before, Islam is a kluge, of pagan religions and the faith of Yeshua, created by Muhammad.

Richard Burton described the black stone in 1853 like this: "It appeared to me like a lava, containing several small extraneous particles of a whitish and of a yellow substance. Its colour is now a deep reddish brown approaching to black." Islamic tradition states that it fell from Heaven to show Adam and Eve where to build an altar. That's meteor description and meteoric talk...not to mention more of Islam totally outside of God's Word considering there is no mention in God's Word of Adam and Eve building a altar.
More paganism outside of God's Word in regard to this rock. "By Allah, Allah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity." Ibn ‘Abbas testified that Muhammad said this about the rock. What, pray tell, is carved into the walls surrounding this stone? Yeah, you know, underneath the black cloth covering those walls? It wouldn't be a whole lot of inscription to pagan gods, would it? Christians may wish to refer to Revelation 13. Which beast do you think the rock represents?

More and more, it has been the aim of Muslims to try to distance themselves from the pagan truth that is Islam, the intent to claim that they believe in and follow the One True God when in fact, they don't. Saying so doesn't make it so because God's fruit always follows the Truth.
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Well-known member
It's not out of hatred but rather for the purpose of providing more space for those needing to worship a meteoric rock. Makes so much sense, doesn't it?

most of the graves(shrines) are destroyed because it is not proper in Islam to Idolize(worship) any human being on earth(only God is deserving of worship),,so from the 1800's onward many burial grounds were destroyed,,one set from group A for one reason,,, others from group B for other reasons,,


New member
Hall of Fame
pagan moon god? meteoric rock? Talk about crazy

Scientific origins

The nature of the Black Stone has been much debated. It has been described variously as basalt stone, an agate, a piece of natural glass or — most popularly — a stony meteorite. Paul Partsch, the curator of the Austro-Hungarian imperial collection of minerals, published the first comprehensive history of the Black Stone in 1857 in which he favoured a meteoritic origin for the Stone.....

....Elsebeth Thomsen of the University of Copenhagen proposed a different hypothesis in 1980. She suggested that the Black Stone may be a glass fragment or impactite from the impact of a fragmented meteorite that fell some 6,000 years ago at Wabar,[35] a site in the Rub' al Khali desert 1,100 km east of Mecca. The craters at Wabar are notable for the presence of blocks of silica glass, fused by the heat of the impact and impregnated with beads of a nickel-iron alloy from the meteorite (most of which was destroyed in the impact). Some of the glass blocks are made of shiny black glass, with a white or yellow interior and gas-filled hollows, which allow them to float on water.[5]

Although scientists did not become aware of the Wabar craters until 1932, they were located near a caravan route from Oman and were very likely known to the inhabitants of the desert. The wider area was certainly well-known; in ancient Arabic poetry, Wabar or Ubar (also known as "Iram of the Pillars") was the site of a fabulous city that was destroyed by fire from the heavens because of the wickedness of its king. If the estimated age of the crater is accurate, it would have been well within the period of human habitation in Arabia and the impact itself may have been witnessed.[5]

A recent (2004) scientific analysis of the Wabar site suggests that the impact event happened much more recently than first thought and might have occurred only within the last 200–300 years.[36] The meteoritic hypothesis is now seen as doubtful, and the British Natural History Museum suggests that it may be a pseudometeorite, i.e., a terrestrial rock mistakenly attributed to a meteoritic origin.[37]

Well if its only 200-300 years old, Mohammed didn't find it.


New member
most of the graves(shrines) are destroyed because it is not proper in Islam to Idolize(worship) any human being on earth(only God is deserving of worship),,so from the 1800's onward many burial grounds were destroyed,,one set from group A for one reason,,, others from group B for other reasons,,

Hold it. This is a prime example of the confusion that occurs when talking about Islam and I don't mean to demean you in this but rather to make a critical point, necessary for the understanding of the Body. Islamics don't worship the One True God so when you post the word "god" in reference to anything they do, make sure you use the small "g" because only the One True God of Israel is deserving of worship. So your statement should have been posted like this: "most of the graves(shrines) are destroyed because it is not proper in Islam to Idolize(worship) any human being on earth(only their god is deserving of worship).


New member

Well if its only 200-300 years old, Mohammed didn't find it.

No, he didn't. It was there long before Muhammad but he "resurrected" it, so to speak. It was a pagan shrine from Arabian pagan worship and he cleaned it up, assigning new meaning to it in his made up religion.

From the New World Encyclopedia: "The Black Stone of Mecca was an object of veneration even before Muhammad. Early chroniclers say that the Ka'bah was rebuilt during Muhammad's lifetime, after damage caused by a flood. Around 600 C.E., the various tribes worked together on the project, but there was some contention among the Quraysh, Mecca's ruling clan, as to who should have the honor of raising the Black Stone to its final place in the new structure. Muhammad is said to have suggested that the Stone be placed on a cloak and that the various clan heads jointly lift it. Muhammad then allegedly placed the Stone into its final position with his own hands."


Well-known member
Hold it. This is a prime example of the confusion that occurs when talking about Islam and I don't mean to demean you in this but rather to make a critical point, necessary for the understanding of the Body. Islamics don't worship the One True God so when you post the word "god" in reference to anything they do, make sure you use the small "g" because only the One True God of Israel is deserving of worship. So your statement should have been posted like this: "most of the graves(shrines) are destroyed because it is not proper in Islam to Idolize(worship) any human being on earth(only their god is deserving of worship).

oh,now I have been spanked both directions,,by those who would rather me use a capital G,,when referring to the christian God(I am christian),,,and when referring to the same G/g(od),,that the Islamic's are referring to when they are speaking about the real "GOD",,,but in the future I will remember to disrespect their "god",in all religious post,,,because we all know that this will end up having them convert over to our God,,,


İ'm bored. Fire me on some questions and İ'll be glad to answer! :)

Yeah it should have been an "an".

Question number two:

If the majority of Jewish persecution (10 to 1) over the last 19 centuries was done in the name of Jesus Christ under the banner of the cross, would you agree with my teachers who claim that the evil one has strategically done this so as to create a disgust and a hatred and a rejection of their Jewish Yeshua of Nazareth?

I agree that the evil one will war against the Jews to accomplish his aim - continued rule of our world.

First if the Jews ask Yeshua to return He returns Hosea 5:19, Matt 23:39 therefore on response to this word satan has produced unparalleled anti Semitism in the name of Christ.

Second, total genocide, total destruction of every last Jew.

If there is no call for messiah from Israel He will not come and if there are no more Jews He has none to give the kingdom to.

What do you think about this?


Yeah, well that's Islam. :idunno:
As I have stated before, Islam is a kluge, of pagan religions and the faith of Yeshua, created by Muhammad.

Richard Burton described the black stone in 1853 like this: "It appeared to me like a lava, containing several small extraneous particles of a whitish and of a yellow substance. Its colour is now a deep reddish brown approaching to black." Islamic tradition states that it fell from Heaven to show Adam and Eve where to build an altar. That's meteor description and meteoric talk...not to mention more of Islam totally outside of God's Word considering there is no mention in God's Word of Adam and Eve building a altar.
More paganism outside of God's Word in regard to this rock. "By Allah, Allah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity." Ibn ‘Abbas testified that Muhammad said this about the rock. What, pray tell, is carved into the walls surrounding this stone? Yeah, you know, underneath the black cloth covering those walls? It wouldn't be a whole lot of inscription to pagan gods, would it? Christians may wish to refer to Revelation 13. Which beast do you think the rock represents?

More and more, it has been the aim of Muslims to try to distance themselves from the pagan truth that is Islam, the intent to claim that they believe in and follow the One True God when in fact, they don't. Saying so doesn't make it so because God's fruit always follows the Truth.

Let you get this right

1) The Kaabah is the cube or rectangular structure in Mecca and the Black Stone is that black stone. You are making me think that you think both are similar.
2) Neither the Black Stone nor the Kaabah are objects of worship. Its a Semitic custom even in the Hebrew Bible to mark places of worship with unusual stones.
3) The Kaabah and the black stones could be nuked overnight. It does not matter. They are not objects of worship but the ONE TRUE GOD OF ALL CREATION is who we worship. The Kaabah was rebuilt many times.
4) It gives a common direction for all those who worship God to pray to. The Prophet first used Jerusalem as the common direction and then God asked to switch it. This symbolised that God no more considers Israel his favoured people but now to any person from all nations would be favoured by God, the ONE TRUE GOD of CREATION.


Well if its only 200-300 years old, Mohammed didn't find it.

1) It is referring to the Wabar site and not to the Black Stone
2) The Black Stone was stolen from Mecca by a group of heretics and it was broken. No one knows for sure if the rogues returned the true one or not.


New member
Let you get this right

1) The Kaabah is the cube or rectangular structure in Mecca and the Black Stone is that black stone. You are making me think that you think both are similar.
2) Neither the Black Stone nor the Kaabah are objects of worship. Its a Semitic custom even in the Hebrew Bible to mark places of worship with unusual stones.
3) The Kaabah and the black stones could be nuked overnight. It does not matter. They are not objects of worship but the ONE TRUE GOD OF ALL CREATION is who we worship. The Kaabah was rebuilt many times.
4) It gives a common direction for all those who worship God to pray to. The Prophet first used Jerusalem as the common direction and then God asked to switch it. This symbolised that God no more considers Israel his favoured people but now to any person from all nations would be favoured by God, the ONE TRUE GOD of CREATION.

1) It is referring to the Wabar site and not to the Black Stone
2) The Black Stone was stolen from Mecca by a group of heretics and it was broken. No one knows for sure if the rogues returned the true one or not.

The one true God of creation is still involved in His creation. Our Holy Scriptures are a testament to His continuing and unfolding involvement in His plan. God chose Abraham "The Man of Faith" for His purposes. He chose Isaac, not Esau, also for His purposes. And Jacob, not Ishmael, for His purposes. We move through David the hero King and his son Solomon the Wise. Then our God who has continually made choices chose Mary, a virgin, for His purposes. That purpose, I believe, was to give His message to the world through entering human history as a man, a man that other men saw as both God and Man in one person. It is a mystery but the purpose is not a mystery. God gives us the chance to be saved through His grace by the action on the cross.
It is a sublime action for our benefit.


Well-known member
God could as well burn us in hell. At least the Muslim God is no hypocrite. He doesn't say He loves those who are going to be killed eternally.

Nobody goes to hell unloved, unwarned, or unconvicted. No one will stand before God in accusation (esp.you)


Nobody goes to hell unloved, unwarned, or unconvicted. No one will stand before God in accusation (esp.you)

God would never torture and eternally kill the souls He loves.

Mercy and Love are two different things. God's Love is exclusively reserved to all those who worship Him regardless of the state of their souls.

Trying killing your spouse? You can't.


New member
oh,now I have been spanked both directions,,by those who would rather me use a capital G,,when referring to the christian God(I am christian),,,and when referring to the same G/g(od),,that the Islamic's are referring to when they are speaking about the real "GOD",,,but in the future I will remember to disrespect their "god",in all religious post,,,because we all know that this will end up having them convert over to our God,,,

Well, let me ask you something. What good will it do us to show respect to a false god? "You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments." Exodus 20:5-6

Now tell me what good it will do him to legitimize his false god in any way? Can we compromise the Truth for the purpose of "having them convert?" And I was NOT spanking you!


Well-known member
OK,fair enough,,if he worshiped the same God that Abraham did would it make any difference?,,,that is if he worships the God of Abraham but incorrectly(in our opinion),,then is it proper to say to him/them that they worship a "false,pagan god) or that in our opinion they worship the correct God(God of Abraham) but are preforming their worship in error?,,,Ask him if the one he refers to as Allah is the same as the God of Abraham.


I prostrate myself to the Creator of the Universe and of all creation, whoever He is. You may worship your "TRUE GOD OF ISRAEL". Its naught to be whether we worship the same god.


Well-known member
I prostrate myself to the Creator of the Universe and of all creation, whoever He is. You may worship your "TRUE GOD OF ISRAEL". Its naught to be whether we worship the same god.

But the God of Abraham,do you consider Abraham's God to be the Creator?


But the God of Abraham,do you consider Abraham's God to be the Creator?
Do I think Abraham's god is a false God? Nope. The God of Abraham is the only god worth worshipping.

The poor one has to read the Quran before making judgements on God's behalf.