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  1. F

    October "Surprise"

    I put the word surprise in quotes because none of us can really be surprised if WWIII is instigated in the run up to this year's election. The powers that be - international banking cartel, WEF, WHO, CCCP, etc. - were willing to unleash the Kung Flu in a desperate and homicidal bid to unseat...
  2. F

    Maybe Libs Should Stop Murdering Their Babies?

    Grim is in the eye of the beholder. And I don't know how much of these population declines are due to widespread butchery of the unborn, but it must be a factor in these shifting demographics. How big of a factor? Difficult for me to say. And I hate to revel in this because abortion probably...
  3. F

    Prophecies of Jesus

    I'm a demon possessed pervert? Yikes. What Roman history am I supposed to be looking at? You're being pretty vague. Snotty isn't the word I would use to describe you but after having familiarized myself with the site rules I must admit I can't use the word I'm thinking 😆
  4. F

    Prophecies of Jesus

    I don't believe in prophecy at all, whether it's biblical or otherwise. What I'm saying is, from my non-believing perspective, David didn't get it right. He wrote something down, allegedly, and one thousand years later the gospel authors copied and pasted it from the Old Testament into the New...
  5. F

    Prophecies of Jesus

    Something I've always been a little curious about, never had an opportunity to ask this of a Christian... couldn't the authors of the gospels, being familiar with the OT prophecies, have simply constructed their narratives around them? As a non-believer it seems a far simpler explanation than...
  6. F


    Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite people, an absolute giant of intellectualism. I suppose stating facts such as these would get him labeled by the left as a white supremacist or something :rolleyes:
  7. F

    What Are You Listening To Now VII

    I've been listening to A LOT of synthwave lately. I go through phases. Sometimes it's classic rock, sometimes it's jazz, sometimes it's Joe Satriani and other various guitar icons. But these days it's synthwave like Com Truise, Perturbator, Timecop 1983, so on and so forth. It's kind of mindless...
  8. F

    Happy to be here

    False Moniker is just another way of saying fake name. I didn't put a lot of thought into it 😄
  9. F

    The Inherent Dishonesty of the Left

    It is simply not possible for the left to be honest about anything, their entire ideology/worldview/belief system/etc. is a lie. What else can they do? What else can they say? And even when they do hit the nail on the head - caring for the sick and the poor, being responsible stewards of the...
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    Happy to be here

    I completely appreciate that. I've been told I can be quite opinionated so it's probably just a matter of time before I "lock horns" with someone.
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    Happy to be here

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
  12. F

    Happy to be here

    We're going to find out 😬
  13. F

    Happy to be here

    I'm not sure if that's a road I want to go down, at least not yet. I'm here for fellowship and as the new guy I'd rather get off on the right foot and get to know people and learn my way around before taking a deep dive. One day perhaps.
  14. F

    Happy to be here

    Happy Friday everyone! I'm not a Christian but I identify with you folks far more than I do with non-religious people such as myself due to your morals and politics. I'm a proud right winger, a Trump supporter, and a hard working guy who desperately wants fellowship with likeminded people. The...