Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Duane Influences His Church

    Duane Influences His Church This is the show from Thursday, March 22nd 2012. SUMMARY: * It's Politically Incorrect to Blaspheme Islam: Pastor Bob takes note of an article from Imprimis magazine, published by Hillsdale College titled "Blaspheme and Free Speech" by Paul Marshall. In the...
  2. Jefferson

    Friday's Nationwide Rally Against Obamacare

    Friday's Nationwide Rally Against Obamacare This is the show from Wednesday, March 21st 2012. BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: * Homeschoolers Not Allowed to Teach the Truth in Canada: A new law in Alberta, Canada outlaws teaching children of homeschools, Catholic and private schools that...
  3. Jefferson

    Stupid is as stupid does

    Stupid is as stupid does This is the show from Tuesday, March 20th 2012. SUMMARY: * Jimmy Carter Learns No Lessons from the Bible: President Carter's new book "NIV Lessons from Life Bible" demonstrates that he's never learned anything about the Bible but only knows the politically correct...
  4. Jefferson

    It's a Girl = 37 Million Dead

    It's a Girl = 37 Million Dead This is the show from Monday, March 19th 2012. SUMMARY: * Tim Tebow Update: From, "John Elway and the Broncos front office decided out with the new and in with the old. Best wishes to Peyton Manning, but assuming Tim Tebow is released, our sports...
  5. Jefferson

    Mark Crutcher on Abortion Violence Against Women

    Mark Crutcher on Abortion Violence Against Women This is the show from Thursday, March 15th 2012. SUMMARY: * Forced Abortion, Rape, & Murder: That’s just some of what Mark Crutcher has documented that U.S. abortionists and pro-choice men do to women. Bob interviews Mr. Crutcher, the founder...
  6. Jefferson

    Somebody Has To Be in the Closet

    Somebody Has To Be in the Closet This is the show from Wednesday, March 14th 2012. BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: * The First Shall be Third: Why does supposed frontrunner Romney keep coming in third in primaries? Pro-abortion, Pro-gay marriage, Pro-Romney (Obama) care, socialists...
  7. Jefferson

    Trading Tim Tebow

    Trading Tim Tebow This is the show from Tuesday, March 13th 2012. SUMMARY: * Alabama Court Refutes Samuel Alito: The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the right to sue when an unborn child is killed. Listen in as Bob informs co-host Doug McBurney that the ruling stands opposed to...
  8. Jefferson

    DBC's Nick Morgan on Bible Languages

    DBC's Nick Morgan on Bible Languages This is the show from Monday, March 12th 2012. SUMMARY: * The Exhiliration of Learning Languages: Bob Enyart interviews Nick Morgan, the Denver Bible Church language expert who occasionally teaches Sunday School classes at DBC highlighting fascinating...
  9. Jefferson

    The Gospel, Justice & Ethics

    The Gospel, Justice & Ethics This is the show from Thursday, March 8th 2012. SUMMARY: * The Nether Region: Hear Bob & co-host Doug McBurney discuss the “strict criteria” observed when Dutch death worshippers dispatch their new mobile euthanasia teams. * Norway: Mass Murder Vacation...
  10. Jefferson

    Bob Says: Bleach Nurse, Press Paul

    Bob Says: Bleach Nurse, Press Paul This is the show from Wednesday, March 7th 2012. BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: * Pale Rider: Listen in as Bob & co-host Doug McBurney talk about the biblical solution to the growing number of nurses euthanizing patients. * Randall Does Not Tarry...
  11. Jefferson

    CO Supreme Court OKs Personhood Initiative

    CO Supreme Court OKs Personhood Initiative This is the show from Tuesday, March 6th 2012. SUMMARY: CO Supreme Court OKs Personhood Initiative * The Colorado Personhood Coalition to Start 2012 Petition Drive: "We're on everyone! Saddle up!" said Susan Sutherland, initiative coordinator on the...
  12. Jefferson

    It's Not a Miracle

    It's Not a Miracle This is the show from Monday, March 5th 2012. SUMMARY: * Don't Say Thus Saith the Lord If the Lord Hasn't Spoken: The crash landing in the Hudson river by US Airways pilot "Sully" Sullenberger was called the "Miracle on the Hudson." Last week, many said it was a miracle...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Friday Predicts: Two-mile Deep Lake To Surprise Russians

    RSF Predicts: Two-mile Deep Lake To Surprise Russians This is the show from Friday, March 2nd 2012. BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: * Liquid Water Below Antarctica; Comets in Space: The Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams make a prediction about the reaction that we...
  14. Jefferson

    Gone Gaga

    Gone Gaga This is the show from Thursday, March 1st 2012. SUMMARY: * Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends: That’s right! The telethon has yet to produce the revenue critical to keeping Bob Enyart Live on the Internet for another year. So we have forced Bob, (under penalty of...
  15. Jefferson

    Senator Catches Fire: Dies

    Senator Catches Fire: Dies This is the show from Wednesday, February 29th 2012. SUMMARY: * Social Insecurity: Bob asks co-host Doug McBurney if Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation regarding Barry (aka President Barack Hussein Obama) Soetoro’s eligibility is serious. Bob hints that it might...
  16. Jefferson

    The Man in the Home is the Man in the Booth

    The Man in the Home is the Man in the Booth This is the show from Tuesday, February 28th 2012. SUMMARY: * Three Ohio Students Have Been Murdered: Bob evaluates America's crime and school shootings epidemic in light of biblical principles and relates the fundamental truths involved in...
  17. Jefferson

    Beware of the Public School

    Beware of the Public School This is the show from Monday, February 27th 2012. SUMMARY: * Toy Gun Gets Man Arrested: In a terribly tragic contrast, while the news reports that three students in an Ohio high school have been shot to death (and another injured) police in Canada arrest a father...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Friday: Bob Has a Great Weight on His Shoulders

    Bob Has a Great Weight on His Shoulders This is the show from Friday, February 24th 2012. BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: * Bob Enyart and Fred Williams Talk About Air and Life: The Real Science Friday co-hosts talk about animals, both on land and in the sea, designed to live comfortably...
  19. Jefferson

    Government Schools & Waterloo

    Government Schools & Waterloo This is the show from Thursday, February 23rd 2012. SUMMARY: * Me Thinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much: Guest host Doug McBurney points out that the rage displayed by Moslems every time someone insults their fourth holiest, or ninth holiest site, or sixth holiest...
  20. Jefferson

    A Day In Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas

    A Day In Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas This is the show from Wednesday, February 22nd 2012. SUMMARY: * Unborn Victims: Bob Enyart talks about testifying in a legislative hearing yesterday when a House Committee adopted the Colorado RTL single-sentence bill to provide justice for the Unborn...