Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Except for Immorality

    Except for Immorality This is the show from Thursday January 17th, 2013 SUMMARY: * A Divorced Man Tells Bob: On our DVD, The Bible, Divorce & Remarriage, a divorced man tells Bob that he wants to remarry but that his pastor refuses to perform the ceremony, claiming God forbids it. Is the...
  2. Jefferson

    Cowboy Bob and The Question Evolution Project

    Cowboy Bob and The Question Evolution Project This is the show from Tuesday January 15th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Cowboy Bob Sorensen on Bob Enyart Live: Cowboy Bob's The Question Evolution Project was inspired by CMI's Question Evolution campaign and is also available at the TQEP Facebook page...
  3. Jefferson

    Ala. Supreme Court: Unborn Child a Person

    Ala. Supreme Court: Unborn Child a Person This is the show from Monday January 14th, 2013 SUMMARY: No Matter How Small: The Alabama Supreme Court has recognized the Personhood of the unborn child! Matthew Staver, founder of Liberty Council joins Bob and co-host Doug McBurney and explains...
  4. Jefferson

    Verse by Verse in Galatians Chapter 2

    Verse by Verse in Galatians Chapter 2 This is the show from Thursday January 10th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Why Was Galatians Probably the First NT Book Written? On today's program enjoy Bob Enyart's study of an important excerpt (Gal. 2:1-10) from the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Christians in...
  5. Jefferson

    "You can die in there," says Marla. "I did."

    "You can die in there," says Marla. "I did." This is the show from Wednesday January 9th, 2013 SUMMARY: * The Marla Cardamone Autopsy Photos: Bob Enyart interviews Mark Crutcher on the Marla Cardamone autopsy photos published today by Crutcher's Life Dynamics. Marla, killed by a "safe and...
  6. Jefferson

    Be on the Lookout for This Man!

    Be on the Lookout for This Man! This is the show from Tuesday January 8th, 2013 SUMMARY: * William Costello’s War on Women: Colorado authorities lowered bail and set free, linked...
  7. Jefferson

    At Least Dave Sirota Inspired Something

    At Least Dave Sirota Inspired Something This is the show from Monday January 7th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Another Denver Talk Show Host Off the Air: KHOW radio's Clear Channel management has dismissed another radio talk show host. After the recent canceling of Caplis and Silverman, now Sirota and...
  8. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Cosmological Principle

    RSR: The Cosmological Principle This is the show from Friday January 4th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Scientists, By Faith, Reject that the Universe has a Center: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams document the admission by leading Big Bang scientists that there is no known scientific...
  9. Jefferson

    Why Was Canaan Cursed?

    Why Was Canaan Cursed? This is the show from Thursday January 3rd, 2013 SUMMARY: * Why Did Noah Curse His Grandson Canaan? Genesis 9 records that the boy's father, Ham, saw Noah’s nakedness, and as a result, Noah cursed his grandson Canaan. Then Canaan went on to become the patriarch of...
  10. Jefferson

    Colorado's Anasazi Fiscal Cliff Dwellers

    Colorado's Anasazi Fiscal Cliff Dwellers This is the show from Wednesday January 2nd, 2013. BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY Because we are victorious in God, our audience will survive plunging over the fiscal cliff just as we survive Republican politicians. We too have survived the war on...
  11. Jefferson

    The Truth about the Emancipation Proclamation

    The Truth about the Emancipation Proclamation This is the show from Tuesday January 1st, 2013. SUMMARY: * On the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation, the Surprising Truth: Today, on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, Bob Enyart and guest Jamie Schofield analyze the...
  12. Jefferson

    Out With The Old

    Out With The Old This is the show from Monday December 31st, 2012. SUMMARY: * Trying to Empty Out the 2012 Inbox: Bob tries to empty out his 2012 inbox of "show prep" news stories. Jesus presented the news as a way of teaching the biblical worldview, and that technique has lost nothing in...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: A young volcano, moon, bacteria, and DNA

    A young volcano, moon, bacteria, and DNA This is the show from Friday December 28th, 2012. SUMMARY: * What Do the Big Bang, Chalk, Whales, Bacteria, & Fish Have in Common? Co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the latest issue of Creation magazine that raises questions about...
  14. Jefferson

    The Anatomy of a Temptation

    The Anatomy of a Temptation This is the show from Thursday December 27th, 2012. SUMMARY: * As the Apostles were Incarcerated: so too with this study. Bob Enyart recorded the first couple hours of this Bible study from jail. Via collect calls made from a jailhouse payphone, you can get a...
  15. Jefferson

    Keep God Out of the Gov't Schools

    Keep God Out of the Gov't Schools This is the show from Wednesday December 26th, 2012. SUMMARY: * Keep Bibles & Prayer OUT of the Government Schools: Not to mention, keep your kids out of them. Listen to Bob’s advice to a Christian brother regarding God, the Bible, prayer and the government...
  16. Jefferson

    The Christmas Story

    The Christmas Story This is the show from Tuesday December 25th, 2012. SUMMARY: * Jesus Birth: Bob presents the Christmas Story from the Gospel of Matthew. Today's Resource Monthly Subscriptions: Enjoy all of Bob's sermons from the month on Sermon Video DVDs, great also to watch with the...
  17. Jefferson

    The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem

    The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem This is the show from Monday December 24th, 2012. SUMMARY: * Boulder, Colorado's Planetarium Show on Christ's Birth: For Christmas Eve, we're enjoying this RSF rerun about the University of Colorado's Fiske Planetarium presentation of a live program, The...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Friday: The Trouble with Chalk (for evolutionists)

    The Trouble with Chalk (for evolutionists) This is the show from Friday December 21st, 2012. SUMMARY: * More Physicists Suggest Alternative to the Big Bang: RSF co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the latest issue of Creation magazine that raises questions about fascinating...
  19. Jefferson

    Where Was Jesus After the Cross? 1 Peter 3

    Where Was Jesus After the Cross? 1 Peter 3 This is the show from Thursday December 20th, 2012. SUMMARY: * Between His Death and Resurrection, Where Was the Lord? Meet the Apostle Peter in Bob Enyart's important Bible study on First and Second Peter. Today's radio broadcast is a fascinating...
  20. Jefferson

    Dr. Reisman on Wikipedia Founder's Anger Toward Her

    Dr. Reisman on Wikipedia Founder's Anger Toward Her This is the show from Wednesday, December 19th, 2012 SUMMARY: * The Bain of Wikipedia on BEL: Bob Enyart interviews an old friend of the show, Dr. Judith Reisman, about Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales' ironic claim that Dr. Reisman and...