Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Is God Outside of Time?

    Real Science Radio: Is God Outside of Time? This is the show from Friday March 15th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Christian, This Show Can Knock Your Socks Off: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams present amazing Scripture passages and many common biblical phrases regarding God's...
  2. Jefferson

    Are All Sins Equal?

    Are All Sins Equal? This is the show from Wednesday March 14th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Which of the Following Verses Teach that All Sins are NOT Equal? While answering that question, also answer this question: Who spoke most of the Bible verses which most clearly teach that not all sins are equal...
  3. Jefferson

    It's Eat an Extra Animal Day at BEL!

    It's Eat an Extra Animal Day at BEL! This is the show from Tuesday March 13th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Bob Covers the News: Pope Francis, Lance Armstrong's role model Bill Clinton, and the 35 million rats in Mayor Bloomberg's New York City that are being targeted for forced sterilization. Thought...
  4. Jefferson

    Criticizing Lawyers, Teachers & Dating

    Criticizing Lawyers, Teachers & Dating This is the show from Monday March 12th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Daly & Dating: Bob & co-host Doug McBurney thank Jim Daly of Focus on the Family for warning parents and kids about the dangers of the modern day dating game, and Bob points out the benefits of...
  5. Jefferson

    Kids & Dogs, Guns & Feet, Pop, Austrians and...

    Kids & Dogs, Guns & Feet, Pop, Austrians and... This is the show from Monday March 11th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Bob reports the news like only BEL can do: including: - fewer kids, more pets (as we've observed for decades) - most Austrians believe neo-NAZIs would win elections (as we've warned for...
  6. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Perceptions Beyond the Five Senses

    RSR: Perceptions Beyond the Five Senses This is the show from Friday March 8th, 2013 SUMMARY: *Post-Show Update: Bob and Fred will miss one of the fathers of the modern biblical creation movement, Dr. Duane Gish who has gone home to be with the Lord! * The Sixth Senses and Allegedly 350M...
  7. Jefferson

    The Romans Road

    The Romans Road This is the show from Thursday March 7th, 2013 SUMMARY: * The Bible Gets Easier to Understand: This book is Bob Enyart's life's work. Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. In The Plot, Enyart set out to demonstrate how hundreds of such contradictions...
  8. Jefferson

    Leading Cancer Researchers Blaming Abortion

    Leading Cancer Researchers Blaming Abortion This is the show from Wednesday March 6th, 2013 SUMMARY: * A Second National Cancer Institute Researcher Reports Abortion Link. * Breast Cancer Rates Going Up, Especially the Deadliest Kinds: The London Daily Mail, the Journal of the American...
  9. Jefferson

    The Tension Between Peter and Paul

    The Tension Between Peter and Paul This is the show from Monday March 5th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Bob Enyart's Life's Work - The Plot: All stories have a plot. The main story line in a narrative forms the plot. Millions of books, including historical texts, cannot be understood apart from...
  10. Jefferson

    A Hero, a Spanking & a Conspiracy

    A Hero, a Spanking & a Conspiracy This is the show from Monday March 4th, 2013 SUMMARY: * A Sign From Above: Bob’s co-host Doug McBurney discuss the recent suspension of a high school student for disarming a man threatening to kill another student with a gun. Bob laments the imbecilic...
  11. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Too Far Away

    A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Too Far Away This is the show from Friday March 1st, 2013 SUMMARY: * Bob & Fred Have Fun with Science News: Real Science Radio co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss articles from the great Answers magazine, including... * Galaxy Too Far Away To See...
  12. Jefferson

    Authority in the New Testament

    Authority in the New Testament This is the show from Thursday February 28th, 2013 SUMMARY: * God's Authority: On today's Theology Thursday program, Bob continues his look at the Scriptures to see how God designed authority to work and to see how He delegates authority. * The Bible Gets...
  13. Jefferson

    Stupider & Stupider?

    Stupider & Stupider? This is the show from Wednesday February 27th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Intelligence Breakdown: An article published in the scientific journal Trends in Genetics explores the incontrovertible breakdown in human intelligence that has been observed. Listen in as the article’s...
  14. Jefferson

    Bob Answers Life's BIG Questions

    Bob Answers Life's BIG Questions This is the show from Tuesday February 26th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Life’s Big Questions: Bob’s co-host Doug McBurney asks Bob 6 of life’s BIG questions. You know, the questions that a college professor might rhetorically ask his students on day one of classes. 1...
  15. Jefferson

    Tebow's Turnover

    Tebow's Turnover This is the show from Monday February 25th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Fashion From Hell: The Iranian Mullahs photo-shopped an image of Michelle Obama to cover her. Bob’s co-host Doug McBurney asks if it was due to perceived immodesty, or was it just that Michelle Obama wears horrible...
  16. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Bergman on Whale Evolution

    Bergman on Whale Evolution on Real Science Radio This is the show from Friday February 22nd, 2013 SUMMARY: * RSR with the Most Prolific Creationist Writer[/b]: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Jerry Bergman, author of Whale Evolution: A Whale of a Tale. Dr. Bergman's degrees...
  17. Jefferson

    Authority in the Old Testament

    Authority in the Old Testament This is the show from Thursday February 21st, 2013 SUMMARY: * God's Authority: On today's Theology Thursday program, Bob looks at the Scriptures to see how God designed authority to work and to see how He delegates authority. * The Bible Gets Easier to...
  18. Jefferson

    Agreeing with Those You Disagree With

    Agreeing with Those You Disagree With This is the show from Wednesday February 20th, 2013 SUMMARY: * What If We Disagree with C.S. Lewis? A wonderful BEL listener, Donna, wrote to complain that Bob quoted C.S. Lewis, who she said is a false teacher. (Of course, C.S. Lewis is now with the...
  19. Jefferson

    Matt Niedzielski in Studio

    Matt Niedzielski in Studio This is the show from Tuesday February 19th, 2013 SUMMARY: * From the Capitol to the Studio: After we aired testimony by Matt Niedzielski, president of, we heard from audience members who greatly appreciated his powerful words. So...
  20. Jefferson

    Asteroid and Meteoroid Not a Coincidence

    Asteroid and Meteoroid Not a Coincidence This is the show from Friday February 18th, 2013 SUMMARY: * Heavens to Murgatroyd! It turns out that the near-earth asteroid DA14, and the meteorite impact in central Russia were NOT a 1-in-100-million chance coincidence as believed by Yale astronomy...