Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Christian Linguini College & Reason #476

    Christian Linguini College & Reason #476 This is the show from Wednesday March 11th, 2015 Summary: Private Message -- Don't read this unless your name is Dave Kintzele: Dave, hi! Please call the studio and leave your number and email ID. We need to reschedule Bob's meeting with you on...
  2. Jefferson

    Studies Prove Homosexuality Is Not Genetic

    Studies Prove Homosexuality Is Not Genetic This is the show from Tuesday March 10th, 2015 Summary: Mark Ellis of discusses his popular article, Identical twin studies prove homosexuality is not genetic. Eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe...
  3. Jefferson

    Bob’s Back with Doug!

    Bob’s Back with Doug! This is the show from Monday March 8th, 2015 Summary: * 6 .5 Million Reasons Socialism is Evil: While American life spans have been increasing over the past century, Bob and his co-host Doug McBurney suspect the Social Security Administrations admission that 6.5 million...
  4. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Another missing link, or just a bad set of teeth?

    RSR: Another missing link, or just a bad set of teeth? This is the show from Friday March 6th, 2015 Summary: Mental Floss: Dr. Ed Boudreaux, president of RMCF joins Fred in the studio to talk about the memo the good folks in the blizzard-riddled North East, and those in Colorado who just...
  5. Jefferson

    Defending God's Goodness Pt. 2

    Theology Thursday: Defending God's Goodness Pt. 2 This is the show from Thursday March 5th, 2015 Summary: God's Righteousness: On today's program, Denver Bible Church Pastor Bob continues his two-part series on God's goodness. Today's Resource: Open Theism Seminar You can watch Bob...
  6. Jefferson

    No Political Solutions for Spiritual Problems Pt. 2

    No Political Solutions for Spiritual Problems Pt. 2 This is the show from Wednesday March 4th, 2015 Summary: Nation in Trouble: Guest host Gregg Jackson sheds light on how to live in the current dark days in which America finds itself.
  7. Jefferson

    No Political Solutions for Spiritual Problems

    No Political Solutions for Spiritual Problems This is the show from Tuesday March 3rd, 2015 Summary: Nation in Trouble: Guest host Gregg Jackson sheds light on how to live in the current dark days in which America finds itself.
  8. Jefferson

    McBurney in for Bob

    McBurney in for Bob This is the show from Monday March 2nd, 2015 Summary: * Reason 787: to get or keep your kids out of the government schools: Guest host Doug McBurney reports on the teacher found hanging in her classroom by her poor students. * The Bloviator Zone: Listen in as we examine...
  9. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Noted Physicist John Hartnett on Our Big Bang List Pt 2

    RSR: Noted Physicist John Hartnett on Our Big Bang List Pt 2 This is the show from Friday February 27th, 2015 Summary: * Australian Scientist John Hartnett evaluates RSR's Evidence Against the Big Bang: As a college professor, a cosmologist, and an award-winning physicist co-creator of the...
  10. Jefferson

    Defending God's Goodness

    Theology Thursday: Defending God's Goodness This is the show from Thursday February 26th, 2015 Summary: God's Righteousness: On today's program, Denver Bible Church Pastor Bob explains that because God is good, He doesn't punish innocent children for the sins of their parents. Memory Of...
  11. Jefferson

    The Purpose of Christ's Earthly Ministry?

    The Purpose of Christ's Earthly Ministry? This is the show from Wednesday February 25th, 2015 Summary: Ministry Purpose: We all know that Jesus ultimately came to die for the sins of the world, but what was the purpose of his three year ministry and who did he come to minister to? Will Duffy...
  12. Jefferson

    Brian Enyart Jr. Sittin' In

    Brian Enyart Jr. Sittin' In This is the show from Tuesday February 24th, 2015 Summary: Testimony: Brian Enyart Jr. sits in for Bob on today's show and tells how God and this ministry changed his life and brought him to Denver.
  13. Jefferson

    Bob Meets the Benham Brothers

    Bob Meets the Benham Brothers This is the show from Monday February 23rd, 2015 Summary: Banned from HGTV: On today's show Bob talks with the Benham Brothers who's show on HGTV was cancelled before it aired because of their Christian positions.
  14. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Noted Physicist John Hartnett on Our Big Bang List

    Noted Physicist John Hartnett on Our Big Bang List This is the show from Friday February 20th, 2015 Summary: * Australian Scientist John Hartnett evaluates RSR's Evidence Against the Big Bang: As a college professor, a cosmologist, and an award-winning physicist co-creator of the most...
  15. Jefferson

    Love is Greater than Knowledge

    Theology Thursday: Love is Greater than Knowledge This is the show from Thursday February 19th, 2015 Summary: What is Greater?: Bob explains that the God of the Bible is living and is willing and able to respond to the actions of men. Today's Resource: Open Theism Seminar You can...
  16. Jefferson

    Denver Bible Church Now a Church with a Church

    Denver Bible Church Now a Church with a Church This is the show from Wednesday February 18th, 2015 Summary: Two post-show comments: * Saudi Arabia, the Hajj, and Terrorism: "If Islam opposes terrorism, then Saudi Arabia should announce that no one supportive of ISIS or Al Qaeda is welcome...
  17. Jefferson

    Psychoses of the Left & the RE-publicans

    Psychoses of the Left & the RE-publicans This is the show from Monday February 16th, 2015 Summary: * Jeb Bush’s Risk Management Problem: Hear Bob and co-host Doug McBurney discuss the day Terri Schiavo was killed, and the fact that Jeb Bush wasn’t willing to even risk his political ambitions...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Historical & Observational Science Equally Good

    RSR: Historical & Observational Science Equally Good This is the show from Friday February 13th, 2015 Summary: * Can You Know a House Had a Builder? Creation organizations attempt to diminish "historical" science as compared to "observational" science. That claim, at odds with the...
  19. Jefferson

    The Volume of the Book

    Theology Thursday: The Volume of the Book This is the show from Thursday February 12th, 2015 Summary: * BEL YouTube Channel to Hit 55,000 Views: If you'd like to help us hit this next little milestone, just click on Videos above, or here, and watch a fun (super brief, or full length) BEL...
  20. Jefferson

    Slate: The Undead Babies at Denver Children's Hospital

    Slate: The Undead Babies at Denver Children's Hospital This is the show from Wednesday February 11th, 2015 Summary: Babies that could be revived often are not, according to this older Slate article revived on today's Bob Enyart Live program. Bob reports on the growing list of recovered...