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  1. Jefferson

    Spike Psarris on the Big Bang Pt. 2

    Spike Psarris on the Big Bang Pt. 2 This is the show from Friday November 21st, 2014 Summary: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart concludes his interview on the big problems with the big bang speaking with Spike Psarris, an engineer formerly with the U.S. Military Space Program and currently...
  2. Jefferson

    Our Five Senses

    Theology Thursday: Our Five Senses This is the show from Thursday November 20th, 2014 Summary: * Eternal Senses: Bob shows that our five sense are not only for life on this earth, but also for eternity in heaven. Today's Resource: God's Biblical Attributes You may have been told that...
  3. Jefferson

    Ed Hanks on BEL on Status of Senate

    Ed Hanks on BEL on Status of Senate This is the show from Wednesday November 19th, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart interviews the former press secretary for the Republicans in the Colorado legislature on the surprisingly pro-personhood positions that were at least verbalized by dozens of current...
  4. Jefferson

    Such Were Some Of You on BEL

    Such Were Some Of You on BEL This is the show from Tuesday November 18th, 2014 Summary: Former homosexual David Kyle Foster talks to Bob Enayrt about his old destructive lifestyle and the extraordinary testimonies of hope and salvation presented on his groundbreaking video, Such Were Some Of...
  5. Jefferson

    Global Flood Hits High; Obamacare Hits Low

    Global Flood Hits High; Obamacare Hits Low This is the show from Monday November 17th, 2014 Summary: Really. Bob Enyart reminds the audience about his BEL U.S. Senate prediction, that regardless of Obamacare now hitting its all-time polling low, and even though every new U.S. Senator...
  6. Jefferson

    Spike Psarris on the Big Bang on Real Science Radio

    Spike Psarris on the Big Bang on RSR This is the show from Friday November 14th, 2014 Summary: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews astronomy video producer Spike Psarris on the big problems with the big bang. * RSR Programming Notes - Nov. 14: Tonight! See Spike Psarris in person...
  7. Jefferson

    4/10 & The Culture

    Theology Thursday: 4/10 & The Culture This is the show from Thursday November 13th, 2014 Summary: * Criminal Law: Bob explains that God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel, but four of the ten, God gave to every government of the world to be the foundation of their criminal code. Bob also...
  8. Jefferson

    Hip Hopper Je'kob from on RSR

    Hip Hopper Je'kob from on RSR This is the show from Wednesday November 12th, 2014 Summary: Singer songwriter Je'kob Washington talks with Bob Enyart on a Real Science Radio edition of Bob Enyart Live. His latest album, This Side of the Sky, available everywhere and at...
  9. Jefferson

    A Conversation About Marijuana & Sin

    A Conversation About Marijuana & Sin This is the show from Tuesday November 11th, 2014 Summary: Jarrel’s Pro-Pot Testimony: Bob and co-host Doug discuss pot, sin, (and the advocacy of sin) with caller Jarrel from California. Jarrel insists he smoked pot in...
  10. Jefferson

    Potheads with Shrunken Brains, Democrats, Etc.

    Potheads with Shrunken Brains, Democrats, Etc. This is the show from Monday November 10th, 2014 Summary: Bob Enyart reports on today's peer-reviewed scientific study showing that regular pot users have shrunken brains and lower IQ, which is consistent with years of research on laboratory...
  11. Jefferson

    The 46 most brilliant life hacks everyone needs to make life easier
  12. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio on Ebola with Dr. Jonathan Sarfati

    RSR on Ebola with Dr. Jonathan Sarfati This is the show from Friday November 7th, 2014 Summary: * Real Science Radio on Ebola: The African death toll from Ebola is just now hitting 5,000. Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart speaks today with the world’s leading creation science author, Dr...
  13. Jefferson

    Bob and a Liberal Pastor

    Theology Thursday: Bob and a Liberal Pastor This is the show from Thursday November 6th, 2014 Summary: *Liberal Church: Bob discusses his series of interviews with liberal Pastor Brian in this sermon at Denver Bible Church. Pastor Cox is an example of the many pastors who have been led...
  14. Jefferson

    100% of New GOP Senators for Obamacare Repeal

    100% of New GOP Senators for Obamacare Repeal This is the show from Wednesday November 5th, 2014 Summary: So says the Drudge Report: 100% of new Republican senators campaigned on the repeal of Obamacare. As it is written, so shall it be done? BEL predicts otherwise. The definition of a...
  15. Jefferson

    Happy Birthday Heather Surovik!

    Happy Birthday Heather Surovik! This is the show from Tuesday November 4th, 2014 Summary: Post-show Update: From[/b] Personhood Vote Grows from 2008, to 2010, to 2014! The YES vote on Personhood grew to narrow our loss from a 27%, 3-to-1 defeat in 2008, to a 29.5% defeat...
  16. Jefferson

    Supreme Court Follies & Road Trip Radio!

    Supreme Court Follies & Road Trip Radio! This is the show from Monday November 3rd, 2014 Summary: * The SCOTUS is Schizo: November 3rd, 2014, a date which will live in infamy in the long war against child killing, was the day the Supreme Court of the United States refused to listen to the...
  17. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio on Extreme Centrism & Delano's Film: Pt 2

    Real Science Radio on Extreme Centrism & Delano's Film: Pt 2 This is the show from Friday October 31st, 2014 Summary: Earth Near the Center vs. Extreme Geocentrism: It's one thing to notice that the most extensive scientific observations ever made seem to place the Earth in a privileged...
  18. Jefferson

    Jesus Schools the Scholars

    Theology Thursday: Jesus Schools the Scholars This is the show from Thursday October 30th, 2014 Summary: *Luke 5: As Bob continues in Luke 5, we see Jesus schooling the Pharisees and Sadducees. Today's Resource: God's Biblical Attributes 2-Blu-ray or DVD set The Five Biblical Attributes...
  19. Jefferson

    Drudge SHOCK REPORT (on BEL in 1997)

    Drudge SHOCK REPORT (on BEL in 1997) This is the show from Wednesday October 29th, 2014 Summary: * Matt Drudge is Shocked by the Tragic Old News: More and more Americans are supporting post-birth abortion, that is, the murderous killing of newborn children. * In a Related Story: Dave from...
  20. Jefferson

    Planned Parenthood Is Having A Hystericalectomy

    Planned Parenthood Is Having A Hystericalectomy This is the show from Tuesday October 28th, 2014 Summary: Vote Yes on 67 because Brady was a person! The abortion chain Planned Parenthood on the other hand, which denies that little Brady was a person, says this in their official mailing that...