Search results

  1. Jefferson

    1% to own 50%: What's taken 'em so long?

    1% to own 50%: What's taken 'em so long? This is the show from Tuesday February 10th, 2015 Summary: Welcome to Economics 101 on today's BEL program. From Obamacare tax refunds, to the 80-20 rule, to Gallup's CEO exposing the lie of the absurdly false 5.6% unemployment figure, Bob Enyart...
  2. Jefferson

    All Out War for Judge Roy Moore

    All Out War for Judge Roy Moore This is the show from Monday February 9th, 2015 Summary: * Keeping US “Moored” to Reality: Hear Bob and co-host Doug McBurney praise the brave resistance of Judge Roy Moore against the imposition of homosexual marriage by the (RE-publican) judiciary. Judge Roy...
  3. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio on Euthanasia, Dawkins, & Eagle Eggs

    RSR on Euthanasia, Dawkins, & Eagle Eggs This is the show from Friday February 6th, 2015 Summary: * RSR Addresses Some Absolutes: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams air audio of evolutionist Richard Dawkins advocating the killing of handicapped newborns and toddlers. The...
  4. Jefferson

    Fighting the Culture War with Daniel

    Theology Thursday: Fighting the Culture War with Daniel This is the show from Thursday February 5th, 2015 Summary: God's Man: Today so many conservative politicians are willing to compromise morally to reach their political goals. The problem is compounded by conservative Christians and...
  5. Jefferson

    Bob Interviews Truth Truck Driver Ron Brock

    Bob Interviews Truth Truck Driver Ron Brock This is the show from Wednesday February 4th, 2015 Summary: * In-Studio Interview of Truth Truck Driver Ronald Brock: Bob Enyart interviews close friend and fellow worker in the Gospel, Ron Brock. Ron travels the country testifying for the Gospel...
  6. Jefferson

    Truth Truck Driver Ron Brock's Accident

    Truth Truck Driver Ron Brock's Accident This is the show from Tuesday February 3rd, 2015 Summary: Bob Enyart and pro-life leader Jo Scott discuss the terrible crash that demolished both Ron's workplace and his residence, for he has lived in the back of his truth truck for 18 years. If you...
  7. Jefferson

    Beiber, Baptismals, and the Big Bang

    Beiber, Baptismals, and the Big Bang This is the show from Monday February 2nd, 2015 Summary: * Christian Themed Movies: Listen in as Bob and his co-host Doug McBurney talk about the movies, “Crescendo”, “Patterns of Evidence: Exodus” & “The Little Boy”. * The Deflation Theory: The BICEP2...
  8. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Now, Every (Comet) Scientist Works for Walt Brown!

    RSR: Now, Every (Comet) Scientist Works for Walt Brown! This is the show from Friday January 20th, 2015 Summary: * Another Confirmed Prediction from Creationist Walt Brown: Regarding the confirmation of yet another astounding science prediction, Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Walt Brown, author...
  9. Jefferson

    God's Eternal Past

    Theology Thursday: God's Eternal Past This is the show from Thursday January 29th, 2015 Summary: * Infinite Past: Why is it so difficult for us to grasp the concept of God having an infinite past? Bob explains on this week's Theology Thursday. * Years Later: Years after the message...
  10. Jefferson

    The Return of James White & the Eagle Eggs

    The Return of James White & the Eagle Eggs This is the show from Wednesday January 28th, 2015 Summary: * The Return of the Eagle Eggs: In rural Colorado, a farmer brought a nest with two eagle eggs to the old BEL television studio hoping that Bob Enyart would have an idea of what to do with...
  11. Jefferson

    Another Real Science Radio Science Prediction Fulfilled: Asteroids with Moons!

    Another RSR Science Prediction Fulfilled: Asteroids with Moons! This is the show from Tuesday January 27th, 2015 Summary: Bob Enyart celebrates NASA's Announcement today. See this at In our 2013 prediction, Bob Enyart and flood expert Kevin Lea predicted that one day...
  12. Jefferson

    Foundations Under Attack

    Foundations Under Attack This is the show from Monday January 26th, 2015 Summary: * Note: Our newly attended to BEL YouTube Channel is about to hit 53,000 views. Perhaps you can check out a video and push it over that little milestone? Have a great day! -The BEL Crew * Suicide by Cop...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Two Fathers of Evolution Theory and Natural Selection

    Two Fathers of Evolution Theory and Natural Selection This is the show from Friday January 23rd, 2015 Summary: * Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews science historian professor Michael Flannery on the two fathers of evolution theory and...
  14. Jefferson

    Hitler reacts to abortion abolitionists

  15. Jefferson

    The Bible's Criminal Code

    Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code This is the show from Thursday January 22nd, 2015 Summary: Criminal Justice: Bob shows us that the Bible is a pattern for the criminal justice system that governments should follow. Today's Resource: God's Criminal Justice System Does the...
  16. Jefferson

    Nat'l March Backfiring Against the Unborn with H.R. 36

    Nat'l March Backfiring Against the Unborn with H.R. 36 This is the show from Wednesday January 21st, 2015 Summary: The H.R. 36 "pain capable" 20-week abortion ban backfires and undermines the fight to protect the unborn child. How so? See and...
  17. Jefferson

    If Japanese are like pandas, what group is like rabbits?

    If Japanese are like pandas, what group is like rabbits? This is the show from Tuesday January 20th, 2015 Summary: Saying that a large family is breeding like rabbits is dehumanizing, regardless of who is speaking what language. Japan likewise is dehumanizing itself and decimating its own...
  18. Jefferson

    Foundations Under Attack

    Foundations Under Attack This is the show from Tuesday January 19th, 2015 Summary: * Thank You Sir, May I Have Another: Police officers in France were shocked to see one of their brethren prostrate with his hands up, begging for his life from an Islamist killer. And now they’re being forced...
  19. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio Enjoys Don Batten's Creationist Contributions

    RSR Enjoys Don Batten's Creationist Contributions This is the show from Friday January 16th, 2015 Summary: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the great article by Don Batten in a recent issue of Creation magazine titled Creationist Contributions to Science. As...
  20. Jefferson

    The Plot Boys

    Theology Thursday: The Plot Boys This is the show from Thursday January 15th, 2014 Summary: The Plot Boys: Teaching Through "The Plot": Easy Enough For Kids, Strong Enough For Adults. Bob teaches through The Plot along with youngsters Josh and Stephen. Today's Resource: The Plot The...